Howie Schwab: Kevin Smith
Stephen A. has been on quite a roll lately. I'd hardly be able to stomach anything he has to say if he wasn't already down there demanding I feed him jerky.
The hot dogs start out just as you would get them from the concession stand (the stand right behind the plate on the main concourse, as a matter of fact), hot dog in bun, wrapped in foil. The hot dogs are then rolled in a piece of paper (just regular printer paper) and the ends are folded in. Duct taping-style was up…
I used to load the hot dog gun at Citizens Bank Park from time to time, it was always a riot. The Phanatic liked to see how far he could shoot the hot dogs into the upper deck, always trying to literally shoot it out of the park (he succeeded once, that I know of, by getting very close to the right field wall and…
Favorite mini-golf ball color. Go.
"Can you dig it?" A question once asked by singing legend Isaac Hayes, was answered in 2008, when workers at a Memphis area graveyard did dig it. A grave, that is.
"I'd like to solve the puzzle!"
"If you tweet it, he will cum."
This was so dumb - but his criticism then extended to Natalie Geisenberger (current leader) by questioning the legitimacy of her sled.
No matter the winner of this tournament, I'm sure that we can all agree that the actual Ultimate Super Bowl Dip is Leon Lett.
Where were all you anti-guacamole assholes when hummus needed you? Get pestled.
Damn Blankies
pixelfucks does great work, but it can be a little much for some people. They may be better off trying aspectfelatio, instead.
MLB Mascots Reimagined As Animated Characters From Live-Action After School Specials About Not Taking Rides From Strangers