

"Mr. Braun's Specimen Box" is also the nickname "Front Row Amy" has decided on for the 2012 season.


Deadspin is just like Verizon Wireless: Providing perks only for new customers on top of the regular delivery of unsolicited dick photos.

+1 Awesome. Please come back any/all the time, AJ.

@BillyBeane Manny just asked me when Brad Pitt was showing up to finalize his contract...our relationship can only go up from here.


Look out.

Watch out, Barack. The Republicans have finally found the smoking gun they've been looking for.

"We should probably get rid of our Fordes around now."

Let this be a lesson to you, sports fans. Not everything that's yellow and Asian can handle the rocks.

2012 Ahmad Bradshaw = Hot Black

These same jokesters dumped 500 "Mounds" bars on Albert Haynesworth's doorstep when the Patriots cut him. Joke's on them, Albert really likes coconut.

"Might even adopt him as the Anfield Cat."

Gronkowski was excited because he heard that there was a chance he'd get to stick his face into some box.

"The game needed to keep going. Something important hadn't happened yet."