
Agree. It’s not taking much to trigger people though. For all we know, publishing the 2025 project might scare enough people to run to the polls for a F-you, Trump.

It’s just weird to me that Trump’s obvious cognitive decline (I mean, dude was on pause for a full 90-seconds) does not get discussed AT ALL, except by late night comedians.  I’m not comfortable with either choice, but at least I know Biden doesn’t surround himself with crony yes-men or the 2025 Project people (who

The polls have shown a roughly +2% boost for Trump, which is actually lower than average for the winner of a debate. And historically it’s very unlikely that most or even any of that bump will be permanent. Typically debate bumps evaporate after 2-3 weeks.

no-one cares that Trump is a lying sociopath - we know he is and if you like him, you see it as the price for a stacked Supreme Court, and if you don’t like him, you already knew all that. Attacking Trump on personalty and ethics will get Biden nowhere - attack the actual policies and his record, and then you could

Overall, I actually thought he came off pretty well, but the problem was again that his presentation wasn’t fantastic—-he’s obviously having a bit of trouble with his voice lately, it sounded pretty soft though not as weak as the debate.

There was no evidence of cognitive decline in this interview.

Donald Trump is a lying sociopath; Biden’s polling isn’t as bad as it looks; the sheer fact of his basically functional daily presidency is all the cognitive testing anyone should need to see.

Instead, he fell back on familiar lines: Donald Trump is a lying sociopath”

They did one last month (or two months ago? Soon after the purchase by Paste). If only we could convince them to drop the slideshow aspect ...

Holy mother of mercy McGillicuddy, books are back!

Me wish more people knew that show, and we had made meme of Andy angrily pointing to sandwich cart guy and shouting “HIT-LERRRRRR!!!!!!!”

It works though. People have already forgotten the downright all-time historic embarrassment that was the GOP House Follies last year, and are now focused on Joe having a bad night in front of the cameras.

All the talk the last week about Dems panicking made me realize you never hear about Republicans panicking. They’re like cats acting like everything’s fine no matter how much they just embarrassed themselves.

Plenty of people in open relationships don’t commit sexual assault.  Not saying Gaiman is innocent but it’s this sorta attitude that gets innocent peoples railroaded as “sexual deviants”. 

“Tim Stalin in accounting?”

Cabin Boy has to be my favorite role for Andy Richter, the Swedish-German. God I love that weird movie.

Words can’t begin to describe how excited I was to see book coverage again. Words also can’t describe how annoyed I was to see a fucking slideshow. We’re readers! We can handle more than one paragraph at a time!

yeah, he’s like the Steve Allen of butts.

I wouldn’t wish anything bad on Abbott, god forbid. But if he drops dead from a sudden brain hemorrhage, I hope it’s on-camera so I can Tivo it, make popcorn, and watch it over and over again.

“This American Butt Hosted By Ira Ass”