
I’m glad I saw them once. Twice might be too much of a good thing.

I think your disclaimer probably captures the situation.  No way all was sunshine and roses one second and then the partnership was permanently (?) terminated the next over one ill-conceived comment.

Just do like a lot of us and wish for his long overdue heart attack to hit instead

Jack’s reaction here is really disappointing. Even if he disagreed with the comment and thought it was in bad taste, throwing your friend and creative partner for decades under the bus to this extent is a big shame.

I’m not saying they haven’t made any good movies, but nothing that really has that quality where I’d rewatch or just have playing if it comes on the TV. I really liked Blue Beetle. Heck, I thought The Flash was a really enjoyable watch. Just kind of astounding that the hit/miss ratio of the live action movies is

I think the actual issue people care about (specifically, Muslims care about) is that when Muslim characters show up at all they are way too often depicted as terrorists. I don’t have any data on it one way or the other and I’m not Muslim, so please don’t take this as, like, a personal attack.

Depends, are you a lawyer for Marvel/Disney? If so, he definitely wasn’t...

I think there were far fewer non-terrorist portrayals of Muslims or Arabs in media at the time. Nowadays it seems like a quaint complaint about True Lies, since there are a lot of depictions of those demographics that are something other than terrorists.

But that just frames it as his cruelty and manipulation of her is justified because it made him a better man. It’s not OK to victimize your spouse for your own personal growth.

And even the vast majority of the output of that one franchise don’t need any homework done.  

so many jokes are just straight up cartoon logic, too. obviously there’s the uzi falling down the stairs bit, but for my money when the bird lands on a truck and then it falls and explodes? that’s the good stuff. that’s literally looney tunes.

Is the scene humiliating for Helen? For Jamie Lee Curtis?”

I saw True Lies late—whenever it originally came out on home video—and was pretty startled by how the movie treats Curtis’s character, compared to the fun reputation the movie had. The strip scene may scan as empowering and funny to some, but she’s manipulated into it by her own husband, and not just to “give her

Ive only watched one entry in each series, but I wouldnt be surprised if the Mission Impossoble and The Fast and the Furious franchises also require you to have seen the previous movies to get the most out of them.

I suspect her horror at the jokes is more focused on the racist stuff they make Jost read, rather than the ones that poke fun at her.

Hoisted on my on pedantism...

For what it’s worth, I think Jost and Che are pretty good. They have good chemistry together, which helps.

“But as in the essay he published when his misconduct was brought to light back in 2017, C.K. doesn’t seem interested in atoning for his actions.”

Well, thank god the Democrats did...umm...absolutely nothing to install some safeguards during their brief window of power. But it’s not as if things could possibly get wor--the Supreme Court did what!?!

but there’s an air of panic and grimness”