
His show was brilliant. I can separate the art from the artist.  That needs to be streaming somewhere. 

I am not a meme guy, but “That’s the Joke!

I thought that for a long time. Well into my 20's.  It’s an easy mistake.  

The whole thing was him being a super petty insecure prick to his wife. He in no way did what he did to help her in any way. He was a shitty husband putting her in her place after taking her for granted. If he had a wake up call, good for him, but she should have told him to fuck off. 

Whether Curtis enjoyed it or not, or whether her character found it empowering or an adrenaline rush or whatever is beside the point. It was petty and abusive of Harry to put her through that all because he was a shitty husband and a jealous prick.  

I don’t know if outstanding is the word I would use, but Blue Beetle was great. I was sorry to see it flop.

Although, as I assume you are aware, The JLU Question was influenced by Rorschach. That’s not the how original Question sounded and acted.

Is this the first book column in a while? This is the first I have noticed in a long time.

I wouldn’t say 1000X better.

Sullivan is pretty much the reason we have gay marriage”

As others have noted. Andrew’s words made him seem like a racist. His inability to hear anyone else’s opinion other than his own made him seem close-minded.

If we lived in a country that wasn’t geared for so long to making sure everyone was leveraged to this hilt, getting 5-7% annual returns on savings is pretty sound, but that wasn’t my point.

LOL. You appear to be as ignorant as Andrew was on that episode.  

Limited liability is evil, but I can see an argument for why it is necessary. 

Publicly traded companies are not necessary, and are inherently evil (sociopathic and exploitative). Privately held corporations may or may not be good or evil.

Andrew Sullivan looked like a clown on that episode. I am not sure if there is a more close-minded intellectual than Andrew. He refused to understand what Stewart and his guests were saying, and no, they did not call him a racist. He refused to even entertain that what he believed might be incorrect, whereas Stewart

I thought it was really good. Of course I waited until it was streaming on Max (which I do with pretty much everything at this point), so maybe I am part of the problem, but It was the most fun movie superhero movie in years. 

Bowie - Starman, Oh You Pretty Things, Queen Bitch, Watch That Man, Big Brother, Drive-In Saturday

I mean if your fine with the characterization of one character being fundamentally changed and another one arguably. I liked the niniseries, but I could put aside the changes to Veidt.  

Oh wow. I thought she was older than that.