
I mean, obviously he’s in She-Hulk with a courtroom scene. That probably cuts amusingly to a frantic sex scene.

Seriously feel you helped me stop being such a movie snob and understand the merits of the Rom-Com, and how the different eras play into our ideas of love and relationships. Just because something is light doesn’t mean it can’t shape us in some way. and the performances by these women, even if the movie doesn’t set

Caroline, thank you for this series so much, it’s been a wonderful journey, I’ll miss it and you so much!

Thank you for this series. I haven’t seen (or heard of, in some cases) every movie you wrote about, but I have read every article, and they all made me want to see the movie. I won’t go on about how this series ending feels like the end of an era (though it does), or how this was maybe the last remaining regular

We can’t find bigfoot. That would make us regular zoologists.

Lies. Everyone knows it’s short for cryptofasc-ooooh, I get the connection now.

The Big Short was written in hindsight. (Right?)

I know proponents of the crypto market and NFT’s or people who are just indifferent both say “Hey, you don’t like it? It doesn’t effect you. No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to invest your money in it. It’s as simple as that.”

The L.A. relocation only makes sense as a thinly veiled pretense for laying off senior staff who, in the new management’s eyes, were getting too expensive to retain, as I think all parties were well aware. Management even posted employees’ “vacant” positions on job sites before said employees had officially responded

Right, exactly!! I just mean that I appreciate the principle of not doomsaying, because there has been a lot of “the A.V. Club is DONE, this is IT” during my eight-and-a-half-year/about-to-close tenure as a freelancer that I had to roll my eyes at, and I don’t mean to dismiss any future AVC writers sight unread, as it

I mean, nothing will help, but I don’t see how histrionics really hurt at this point. A bunch of talented writers, comprising what remained of the site’s heart and soul, were all unceremoniously laid off—excuse me, “voluntarily” resigned after being instructed to move to L.A. within a couple of months without being

Hey folks. I just wanted to drop in and say thank you to everyone here for all the kind words, and also for reading what I’ve written at The A.V. Club these past nine years. I know I wasn’t always the most consistent presence in the comments, even before the Kinja transition, but I dipped in fairly regularly, and for

Fwiw, I’m sorry to see you go. It does feel like the passing of an Old Guard (that I, like many around here, am watching with trepidation) and we’re losing even more tried and true talent like yourself. And I can understand where you’re coming from with the grading thing; if you only give an A sparingly, then that A

Sometimes magic sounds like tape.

You should verbally object, state you think your rights are being violated AND comply. Record as well if you know it’s legal in your State. (I’m not entirely sure it’s a blanket “right” in every state, though. I could have sworn some States protect police in insane ways from it).

Does "Finch invented social media in order to provide data for the Machine" count as a conspiracy theory?

This was like Fusco's "The Zeppo" episode, but somehow in reverse, where his storyline was the fragmentary one. Still awesome though.

I think the island wasn't quite done with him.

-Now if the hitmen had ended up falling in love with each other while on the job- then that would have been how you do a valentine's day episode