
In general yes, but the largest size should not be significantly different in cost/volume than the smallest. There is no reduction in cost to serving an extra large soda or a small soda. 

Yes, about a year after the first season. All 20 are available on Netflix now and the second season should be out shortly.

By ABC, I assume you are referring to the Australian Broadcasting Company? ABC in the US is a subsidiary of Disney

I believe lots of people suggest that and do spend time trying to concince everyone to be a donor. Just because people should do something, doesn’t mean they do.

Best episode in a long time.

That’s the show I want to see.

It’s season 2. Paramounr+ aired all 20 episodes of Season 1.

That’s why I said a “well-regulated” market.

That the abandoned in the future girl? Because that was the point I tapped out.

Cool. I actually miswrote what I meant. I meant to see a Monopoly game adaptation that was anti-capitalist.

As much as I have issues with capitalism, I don’t entirely have a problem with a well-regulated organ market.

Given that Monopoly evolved from a game created by a Quaker to illustrate the evils of capitalism, I would love to see an anti-capitalist monopoly game.

And the Partridge Family

I was a huge sitcom junkie growing up. Also, The Addams Family, Get Smart, The Munster’s, and the Dick Van Dyke show, as well as 70's stalwarts, Mary Tyler Moore, Happy Days, All In The Family, etc.  

I would argue that Tex Avery and Chuck Jones cartoons are timeless as well as early Popeye (and those 40's Superman cartoons).

If they were a good friend (as opposed to a friendly acquaintance or part of an extended friend group) prior to that becoming known, that would be weird.

Have you not seen Mighty Boosh?

I disagree with that.  That’s commonly spread, but most shows including Moonlighting do not rely on a will they/won’t they tension.  Sam and Diane got together at the end of the first season. 

They only intended to make one more season. It would have been great if they could have. The second season suffered from being shorter, but was good. 

Actually, If you’re making seveal hundred thousand a year and your severance is 6 months or more of salary (I would be surprised if an executive had less than that). it isn’t the same. Thinkin that that executives are employees just like you and me is exactly what they want anyone not at that level to think.