
he did not talk gibberish. He did briefly lose his train of thought at one point, but based on success of the last 4 years, he is still great. If that were solely because of the people he appointed, and I do not believe it is, he would still be orders of magnitude better than his opponent.

Yes, he would have. He would both have run a better campaign and he would not have had all the negative baggage of HRC, much of the latter of which I would agree is totally undeserved, although some is.

I love Keith Olbermann, but he is wrong here.

Sanders would have won in 2016 and 2020 had his name been on the ballot and I believe at this point he might have.  Israel absolutely needs their funding cut.

He did not melt down. At one point he said Mexico when he meant (I believe it was) Turkey, otherwise he was fine.

Would people be talking about his age, regardless? Sure. I do believe the constant media speculation it significantly enhances the concern. They are generating concern as much as they are reporting on it.

She played Millicent. That title was weird. 

Making decisions driven by fear is no way to be successful. These aren’t people who will be homeless or food insecure if they lose their jobs. No one who would be is making the decisions she is concerned about. These people make and have at the very least high 6 figure salaries and many have 7 or more. People who

I am going to go out on a limb and guess you weren’t alive or barely alive when this video came out.  The Rolling Stones were a band that had been together for more than two decades before this video came out.  I hope this is not your primary exposure to David Bowie.  

Right, and I do not entirely disagree with you, but you make it sound like she said that as general life advice. She was specifically referring to production companies and studios with lots of money. It’s the business playing it safe. Yeah, they might lose some money, or they might have the next Everything Everywhere

That video is terrible and should not be that basis for such an assessment.

No, it is generally accepted Mick is a good dancer having stole all his moves from better dancers.  


She’s not a bad actress. I mainly know her from Ben and Kate.

If you’re talking about the actors and regular working people yes. However, I believe she is referring to Sony and the major studios. They are concerned about shareholders and investors.  

Do you mean 4th season or 4th episode? Don’t they usually just announce premieres and show arrivals and departures? Shows in the middle of their run are not usually covered. 

This is the first I read that some of these were cancelled. OFMD in particular surprises me.  


he thought making fun of Asian people was the best counter to white people being racist against Native Americans.”

WTF are you talking about? The only thing I ever remember Colbert doing could possibly be construed that way was a single bit he did early on where he was mocking some other hosts who had been caught on

I have mixed feelings about Shales as we have quite different opinions about what makes a good awards show or other hosted live specials and he would make really bitchy comments about Steve Martin, Conan, or Jon Stewart’s hosting gigs.