
And to be clear, I should not have used “excellent”; I should have said “successful”. Not good for anybody but shareholders, not even the long term success of the company.

Sorry and rereading my post, I can’t stand that I cannot fix my “they’re” mistake.

Has it improved since the first few episodes?

magpie187 was clearly being sarcastic.  However, I see no reason to kick people when their down.

Ok, genuine question What does “Vanessa Morgan is kind of a Matt Bomer for straight dudes I guess.” mean? I only really know Bomer from Doom Patrol, I know Morgan from Riverdale.

Yes with regard to understanding Jeopardy specifics like categories. I have walked in cold and been unsure or stumped, and then I see the category and would have gotten it in a second had I known and understood the category. Being familiar with the common categories they use is essential.  

Answer: it’s not.

If Succession is a drama, then The Bear is a drama. It is ridiculous that it gets to clean up in the comedy section due to it being a half hour show.  

While I continue to watch every episode, the show peaked in Season4. It began declining with Homer in Space.  

I think the original ending to Life On Mars was the worst of the lot. Ashes to Ashes made it something better. But the “it was the dream of a man in a coma the whole time” (without at least a Twilight Zone-esque bit of evidence that he was back there) is by far the worst of all possible choices.

I am pretty sure it would be WBD buying Paramount

Well, the last bit is where they put the most experimental stuff. Many great bits have started as the last bit, most notably Wayne’s World.

Are those real Easter Eggs? If they are, I completely missed them It seems like some time in the last 40 years I would have seen or been told about the robots in the Hieroglyphics. I apparently do not pay attention as well as some.

I would love it if they made it part of the Westphal universe. It already includes the X-Files.

That just reminds me of how much the ending of BSG competed with the ending of Lost for most disappointing.  

If it had ended at the end of the 5th season, I would have better memories of the show.  

Right? I think the ending sucked, but it absolutely was not “the whole thing was a dream.”

He could go in through the ear too like the Atom in that future Justice league in that Morrison comic.

I like this

I want to read that. I generally like Hickman. I stopped reading floppies a few years before that and Marvel’s version of Crisis on Infinite Earths. I would like to get a collected version of that that has all the related comics in one big omnibus at some point.