
Avengers Forever and the original council of Kangs story were pretty good without Doom. And Kang descends from Nathaniel Richards (although that’s Byrne era and may have been revised since then)

Unlike a lot of commentators, I love the character of Kang. I hope they replace him rather than ditch the character.

But In-N-Out burgers are good. Not meh, not crappy. They are great value. Is it possible to fine better burgers? Sure, at much higher prices.

Bullshit. She has the luxury of saying that.  Boo Fucking Hoo

I get the criticism, but what is she to do?

I am not sure what examples you are considering, but significant memory erasure just seems like such a crime.

By the way, to be clear, the Doctor doing it “for her won good” still takes away her agency. She did not want to forget even if that meant her death. He could have respected that.  

I believe you are describing Loughlin’s child who went to USC

As you get to retirement age, finding mates becomes almost as hard as finding jobs.  

How skewed it is, I don’t know, but from this Yank’s perspective every character vacillates between sympathetic and total twat. Even the Queen, although she generally gets the most sympathy.  

You’re the first person to raise that.  Most people are pointing to the poor marketing and superhero fatigue.  

There’s a difference between saying that they did not know what the show entailed, which I did not, and saying they are genuinely being hurt by what happens when they are actually on it.  

I don’t know. It just rubbed me the wrong way. 

It just felt completely unearned to me.

So you are completely ignorant on this matter and safely ignored.

So you have been watching the show? Because I haven’t. And I can easily imagine it may be more real for a bunch of seniors than young starlets looking to make a name.

Did you read the whole article. The people are apparently very earnest in their desires.  That’s the whole point. The normal Bachelor raises no concerns. The Golden Bachelor contestants are experiencing more serious emotional trauma. 

I mean they weren’t ghosts, they were projections of the people seeing them and of course they wanted forgiveness.

Whole books by Howard Zinn, Saul Alinsky, and David Korten

I understand the sensitivity to the old stereotype. However, I would say Western media does tend to have a bias toward Israel (i.e., less critical of and more empathetic toward Israel than the Palestinians), although that has changed somewhat over the last quarter century.