
Perhaps when there are a lot of 3/5 star reviews or equivalents, you should say “middling” reviews or “the consensus appears to be it’s OK”

Exactly. I read that as “The shareholders are cashing in! Ca-ching!”

They did not mention it, but I thought he took a shot at Clapton’s beer commercial as well in that video.

Sorry, I do see it now. I did miss the point.

Really, Because I am definitely leaning toward believing Fuller unless and until evidence or other accusers/witnesses come forward.  

Are you saying that women in the advertising world in the 60's did not face sexism and discrimination?

Did you watch Mad Men?

While many, a seemingly large majority, of these claims have merit, not every one is true. And the lawyer stating he has “documented evidence which completely disproves the allegations.” leaves judgment open for me at this point.

Who? I mean I could do a Google search and discover they are bigger names than I thought, but Drake is a HUGELY famous international entertainer.  

I could say a lot of things in response to this glib response, but how exactly do you determine “merit”?

You deserve to be out of the grays for that one. 

The luster started coming off a few seasons ago.  


I would describe Topher’s family as middle class and the sister’s family was definitely lower middle class

He needed to take some lessons from Matt Groening. 

I read Louder than Hell a few years ago. I liked it.  Music-wise, I have also read I Want My MTV, Please Kill Me, and England’s Dreaming (the latter is more hybrid, but has lots of people in their own words)

It would be up to the parents or guardians. Also, I think it’s pretty easy to distinguish sexualized nudity from non-sexualized nudity. Pedos are going to masturbate to it regardless, but that’s not an argument against it.

There’s a difference between fame and selling records. 

I would argue Freaky Styley and parts of the first album are too. 

They had a lot of great songs.