
Ehhhh. Motley Crue’s first album came out in 1982 and the scene didn’t implode until 1991. So longer than 18 months. The average quality and level of authenticity definitely went down over that period, especially after 1985. Even at the end, there were unquestionably talented bands like Skid Row making music, but

Great bool. Live through that era and loved that music (along with NWOBHM, Thrash, Power, etc.)

Her early singer/songwriter stuff had a lot more cachet

I don’t think it’s terrible, but it’s not regarded as one of their better albums

Dead Ringer has some good songs including Dead Ringer For Love - one of a couple Steinman tracks on that album. He had worse albums after that until his reunion with Steinman

Oooh, a hot take.

I have to believe there were worse albums after Hot Streets

I would have assumed that pretty much any level of nudity from a minor on screen was not legal but I guess things were different in the 60s on that front?”

I do not believe anyone makes less than $10K per show.

I don’t like the framing. AoS was a really good show after the first two thirds of the first season.  

All of this is shitty behavior, but the only one that alleges an assault was the last one.

And I believe the WGA was very upset over that interpretation

She could do it without anything being written, but if I understood the article correctly, even improvisation is considered “writing”

Even if Barrymore improvises her way through those segments moving forward, doing so is technically replacing the work of a striking writer, also known as scabbing.”

Thank You.

As a Jill Stein voter I resent that. He voted for Biden.

Maher is still anti-Trump. He just hates being called out for saying offensive things

I like the show. For some of his guests, it’s one of the rare places I see them. However, he is just losing it.  

You’d turn them in, but would you end your relationship with him?

I had responded to this yesterday, but I do not see it. I apologize if this is a duplication.  That was meant as a genuine request.  I am not pretending anything does not exist. If you can provide a link that would be great.