
I do not want to see most of these, but I thought Henry was a very good movie.

but Happytime Murders was seemingly just operating under the assumption that puppets having sex and saying bad words was funny enough to carry a whole movie.”

Are you even reading what Matthew is writing, because you are certainly not responding to what he is writing.  

AI is in fact writing some of these articles. They are ostensibly edited by a human being.

I take that back. I could swear I saw a Lehrer album there, but it was Freberg’s

Toll Booth Willie remains a stone cold classic.  

I have been asked where my ancestors come from. I am sure for people of color, it’s more pervasive and not always innocent, but I have definitely been asked about my ancestry. I am a white guy.  

While the question is forehead smackingly insensitive or ignorant. I don’t believe it was an attempt to “other” King

It’s 17.  

That’s not Dice’s debut album. It’s his second.  

Bill Hicks should have been higher and the album should have been Dangerous.

I thought Killing It had been canceled. Good News that it hasn’t.

I loved the Patriot Act, but I was a bit disappointed by Minjaj’s week. It had its moments, but he did not hit it out of the park like I expected.


The average CW watcher was in their early 50's as of its heyday a few years ago. If You counted the CW app as an app, it was probably one of my top apps.  

I am a Burn Notice Watcher and while the final few seasons get bogged down in serial shit, the first few seasons were great. And it actually appears to be a fairly accurate depiction of spycraft.  Basically information gathering, but fun and with Bruce Campbell. 

This isn’t my theory, but I believe the only scene in the entire movie set in the present real world of the film was the final scene.

I liked the TV show set i the same universe.

Really looking forward to this. Not enough to subscribe to Starz. Will wait for a special or free weekend.

Definitely not with respect to Batgirl. The others may appear on other channels or streamers.