
Most states have an age limit, but I agree the age for marriage should be no lower than the age of consent.

Good Luck

With movies it’s going to be different than comics. There are other considerations. But even if Aliens were a comic book series and between issues two characters were unceremoniously killed I would think of it as unnecessary and disrespectful to the previous writer, but I still would not think of it as a fridging.

If you are really concerned about “children” then you should be for raising the age of consent to 25 as that is when the brain stops developing, otherwise admit that 18 is an arbitrary age.

Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang was my first thought 

The reality is most women do not want you to ask. They want you to know.  

It’s still legal in a number of states and legal in most of Canada, Engleand, etc.

That was probably annual salary. By the end, I would expect he was getting upper 6 figures per episode

Hill may have been around, but did she ever do anything? Ever? The character was paper thin.

I never said this was her first appearance,

Hill’s death is textbook fridging. She was a two-dimensional character never given any depth who was murdered in the first episode. If she had been a random agent, it would not have been a fridging. It does not matter that Fury was already motivated. It ratchets up the angst for the character. To be a fridging does

I disagree with the “being introduced solely to be killed” part. If the character is killed by the bad guy to cause angst for the protagonist, I would say it’s a fridging.

Natasha does not fit the criteria. However, Hill very clearly does. The authors are clear about that and anyone aware of the concept of fridging can see that Hill fits it

It’s  not being applied to “any” female death. Hill was very clearly fridged by how that term is used.  

How they die and when they die and how fleshed out they were before they die is an issue. Characters in comics and comic movies who die to motivate a character are female much more often than male.

But they fridged her in Dark Knight. 

A character does not have to be introduced solely to be killed off to be considered fridging.

(1) It is not entirely subjective and (2) subjectiveness is involved in almost all criticism

Given the way she died, I would say it was. By the writer’s definition, I am guessing they would not because she was a fleshed out character. But Gwen Stacy was just killed to create angst for Spider-man.

This all assumes that the reports she was given Narcan are accurate.