
Or maybe, the reviewer just did not care about many of the song selections. 

I believe it has been canceled. It just has a fourth season that has not aired yet.  

Apparently, the new owners noticed their audience was primarily people in their 50's and have decided to program what they believe will appeal to that audience. You know, as opposed to what they were watching.

Well, if you’re just going to pull numbers out of your ass to support exploitation...

Please, cite your sources.  

It’s not quite that vast.  

As soon as wages are raised.


If the Democrats pivot right to pick up moderates and disenfranchised moderates, they are courting disaster. I still believe Bernie would have won in 2016 had he been on the general ballot.  

Casseroles, Casseroles, CASSEROLES!

I do not believe people will walk away with this meaning. 

I starred the BAO’s first response, because (while I have not heard her deliver it) I am not sure how serious she was while delivering that line. I do not believe people are going to walk away with the definition in mind. 

There are a limited number of chord progressions. This didn’t used to be a thing 40 years ago. 

Maher has a closing segment called New Rules at the end of Real Time

I agree. Just to confirm The Script are a band that had hits? I mean this in the least dickish way possible. I am 52 and have never heard of them.

Don’t even know who that is. But I wasn’t rating him as an artist, but as a writer. If I were rating artists there are Drucker, Davis, Kurtzman and others. But next to Don Martin’s bits, Jaffee’s cartoons were the funniest.

He was terrific. My favorite next to Don Martin. RIP

We’ve entered the land of the Sneetches

While that has happened, in reality most large American businesses do not do that, not because of any morality, but simply because of the internal bureaucracy.

The theft is from the public domain.