
It’s a colorful way of saying he did it a lot.  It’s not that hard to figure out.

Wait Ted McGinley is on Shrinking? I have only watched the first 5 episodes and have not noticed him yet.

He’s unrelatable to a jealous hipster from SF.

I like one and not the other

Honestly, I have not watched the new one. I watched a few episodes of the old one back when it aired and when I later saw that Simpsons with Sideshow Bob’s rant, I felt seen. My science geek friends from high school loved it.

To clarify,

Please never use Person of Interest and MacGuyver in the same sentence ever again.

Also, cops lie on the witness stand with way more frequency than defendants.  

Beyond a reasonable doubt in a jury trial is a high bar, getting 12 people to agree with like 95% certainty is very tough.”

You are citing shows that aren’t streaming Not streaming originals that were removed from the platforms they were on.

The sex tape was a terrible invasion of privacy, but it is not what made her famous

Were you an adult 25 years ago?

As pointed out, these won’t be the original versions. black pygmies shipped in from Africa to work in his factory is something Dahl and his estate want people to remember.

Cop dramas, but what about cop comedies?

We don’t know how much of what we see is improve. I assume you are referring to inter-dimensional cable. That was total improv, but there may be other moments throughout that are improvised (ad-libbed) as opposed to scripted as well. Again, to my original point, it does not look like it will be a big loss.

Reading the article, it sounds like there was nothing wrong with it. It appears to be a gratuitous criticism by the AVClub

You’re forgetting the “everything gets solved with violence “aspect

I don’t see a response to this, but I just want to make sure you know that that was just a joke and a Simpsons reference.  I don’t think it was meant personally. 

In an earlier article, someone said they are using other actors in the Wendy’s commercials. If that is true, then I see it as a quick adjustment because I thought it was Roiland.  However, regardless of whether he is a “writer”. There may be some improv that we won’t get in the future. 

I don’t remember that as being great, but I don’t recall it being horrible.