
The damage caused by Roger Ailes is truly breathtaking in its impact and scope. Professionally, he was a proto-Rove Richard Nixon accomplice and enabler who went on to found the most powerful and pervasive propaganda network in modern history, which was profoundly responsible for training millions to disregard

No I prefer tuna.

“Sorry Jerry, I just want to play plutocracy.”

very upset family will be calling the authorities because he was needlessly mutilated?

Rumspringa training.

I find it odd that they left his hands at their actual size in all these edits

They also need to tone down the moral arguments. The middle of the country is ready for change. They need to start explaining how little the GOP has really done for the middle of the country. Farmers need NAFTA and trade deals. Mexico is set to destroy our corn exports by switching to South American imports.

So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.

Got it.

Having read some of the comments on the previous article

Later he gets the rebound. Passes it to the man. Shoots it. And boom goes the dynamite.

This right here. This and ACLU lawyers rushing in to defend the civil rights of people unjustly detained in airports. The protesters spilling into the streets. The indefatigable dedication to inclusivity, kindness, and standing up for the vulnerable, the marginalized, the voiceless...

This needs to be investigated!!!

Wait a second. Now hear me out. he blaming the NYT and the media for the “mischaracterization”? They reported what Trump said...

I am the walrus.

Contemporary sociologists trace the origin of the phrase “alternate facts” back to the 2015, the year that the Super Bowl champion Carolina Panthers became the first team in NFL history to go undefeated.

So we should start e-mailing them right?

He’s a junior!

Almost... too friendly

The reporter’s job is not to simply dump

You should test that out. Send Trump a death threat on there and see what happens.