Lew Alcinder Block

This is incredible. I guess I always suspected something like this could happen but to actually see it still sort of amazes.

This is such BS. I’ve worked with Colangelo. He would never do this. Would a man with such normal collars even think to do this? He’s a class act.

Hot Take / Unwanted advice:

No, it’s counting the number of horses that live inside the engine.

okay smart guy - why do they call it ‘horse’ power?

I don’t know, that seems awfully cheap for a sandwich.

I can get an 8 pack of hot dogs at Kroger for 2.50, boil them all for a week’s worth of provisions, and then let the hotdog water ferment for a couplefew months and end up with a potent and tasty beverage just in time for October baseball. All I’m sayin’ is if you’re spending good money’ for your hot dog liquor,

Ya know, at the start of the game, BOTH pitchers are working on perfect games. It really is rude of any batter to try to get a hit in that situation.

Why is the car made out of lead? Why not iron, aluminum, plastic, and other materials?

I look forward to seeing her in Tokyo doing dressage on a mule.

Speaking as a fellow cranky old man, I heartily endorse this take.

He does look more like a basketball... guy.

Pedantic bio-rant: If you’re gonna go that route, then bacteria are the organism that best represents hardiness and adaptability. Bottom of the ocean near thermal vents? In boiling water? Boiling ACID water? Antarctica? Gobi desert? In a hair follicle of a yak in a remote corner of the Himilayas? On the skins and in

Eh, it’s still better than Bret Stephens’s op-ed about the reptilians.

It’s a bit hypocritical of Kerr to criticize Trump and then blatantly copy his leadership style.

It was the drunk driving that made him an asshole, not being undocumented.

Also, Nick Foles allegedly has an enormous penis.

So it isn’t the content of their message but the tone you find offputting?

People these days. All these snowflakes go right to their mommy blogs when I correct them on facebook by telling them, “Actually, your kid seems a little ‘cunty’.” Now I’m not welcome at Thanksgiving anymore. Did I make a big deal about it when their kid had an allergic reaction at my Super Bowl party? No. I told them