Lew Alcinder Block

They were cool with it when it was competitive, but then it became feta compli.

I briefly considered sticking up for Sosa’s induction into the HoF, but then I thought, “Fuck it...there’s already enough white guys in there.”

Geez. This is an extremely long article that really does not say much. A professor I once had would have labeled this as an “inflated essay”

Imagine a world, where content creators are paid by the word....

Pillars of society, teachers in the classroom of life, molder of men.

Post script: Even I want to punch myself after reading my half-assed Slack ranting assembled into a paragraph.

Two or three bowls.

Great joke but no actual damage so there’s that on other words no tear pull of fractures

I disagree. He’s a loathsome individual but a justice system built on vengeance is no justice system at all.

He’s going to come out dressed like the Black Panther and dance around a giant statue of Trump carved out of Irish butter and then in the last part of the act they’ll roast its ass and spread the butter over a giant piece of toast with the words 2020 branded into it.

Juneau and I know, but does Hamilton Noland when he sees it?

You didn’t have to jump out the window so soon after the joke. You could’ve let it linger

I’d have to say it’s a tie between the top 784 times I’ve had sex, where each time I lasted two pumps and then ashamedly said, “Wow, I never came that fast before, you really had me turned on a LOT.”

Best of luck to Marchman as he rides his penny-farthing off into the sunset.

This is just like that one time I saw Weekend at Bernie’s II on TNT.

You know Bill’s not gonna fuck you, right?


In the past week, Drew Magary compared a Tony Wroten standard cliche postgame quote (“trust the process”) to two different startup companies funded by Kevin Durant and Drew Brees.


If it’s Burneko, I put $20 on him starting a sub-blog called Butt: The Adjective