Lew Alcinder Block

This picture looks like Incognito is forcing Sir Patrick Stewart to give him a blowjob.

That question could also have ended after the first four words

Or if he want moving so fast. Why’s he got to go by him so fast?

So were they biased towards his grit or his scrappiness?

Other than some idle speculation by local media, no one has previously reported anything close to the bit about why the Garoppolo trade happened. Beyond that, the piece sketches out details on things that people only knew about in a general sense beforehand, such as the weird split between Guerrero and the Patriots

You’re one of those people who sincerely wonder why there isn’t a White Entertainment Television, aren’t you?

If the Seahawks do get blown up, it will definitely be an inside job utilizing a controlled explosion.

Coach drew up the play for me, I had to knock it down 

What is this?

Almost as exciting as LeBron James’ Hairclub for Men!

He led an offense that scored 48 points. I think he held up his end of the deal, in spite of your SEC defense.

He has a perfectly lovely smile, as does Keanu. Both have a slight doofiness to their smiles which I like.

He’s not comparing. No one is downplaying your precious little rivalry, relax.

The police have nothing to go on.

Big deal. FIFA has been determining outcomes with paper in briefcases for decades.

Richardson was apparently very disappointed to learn he had to sell the whole team rather than each player individually.

I only see walking. I don’t see race.

You’re “not giving a shit” wrong. You’re now pouting and actively avoiding something and trying to get others to stop reporting about it. That’s giving a shit. Not giving a shit is a guy watching a tampon commercial. It comes and goes and registers as nothing. If some guy got mad every time a tampon commercial came

Sure, but it’s expected that by month two you will have recruited people to sell your cheese, and by the fourth month your recruits will have recruited even more downstream cheese salesmen. At the end of six months, you’ll be a mogul at the top of your own pyramid of cheese.

Artistically speaking, they’re more like Tommy Wiseau.