Lew Alcinder Block

It’s the NFL...they put people in a combine.

but imagine being so despised by your players that they believe there were conspiratorial motivations behind your mistake

Yup, these are my victims. 

I say this in a way that is divorced from Aziz or the woman victimized:

Holy cow, dude. Are you ok?

Like he cares about helping people avoid excessive force. Hell, I saw 3 G’s just reading his name.

It’s the second time in a month Brady has walked out when Guerrero’s name comes up, so if he thinks shutting down interviews are going to stop the media from asking about Guerrero, he must not be drinking enough TB12 Electrolytes.

I think it was completely accidental. Saying Urena hit Acuna on purpose would imply the Marlins had an actual plan in place.

“You see online, the small swastika on his elbow. I have a bigger picture of a bigger tattoo on the shoulder that nobody knows about.”

As the image makes clear, the Tennessee player is in possession of the Seattle returner, and therefore also in possession of his possessions (the ball). The returner is celebrating because his tiny child-like body was not crushed by the giant tackler.

His ass may be sweating, but his head romaines cool.

yet the owners scoffed at the idea of a celery cap.

It was quite a big bopper.

I stand by my previous allegations.

Anonymous sources are only acceptable when it comes to smearing some kid’s draft stock for “character concerns.”

“Somebody’s got to call a spade a spade.”



Go ahead and try. The joke’s on you guys, we didn’t even make the playoffs last year.

Wrigleyville is the 9th circle of hell, the Rickets can try and turn it into Disneyland but it will always be Mecca for douche bros from Schaumberg to puke on.