Lew Alcinder Block

At first I got very confused by what I thought were mixed metalworking metaphors. Then I looked it up and found out that the “die is cast” refers to the singular of dice being rolled (because they’re not homonyms in latin). All my life, I thought it referred to making a metal mold.

Not defending him at all, but the reply to that tweet points out that the alignment is incorrect, so that tweet is fake? And also @BeanBooper has posted a screencap from another user who originally tweeted that. Am I wrong?

I love beeves.

KNEEGHAZI is good, but what about KNEEn-11?

Makes a lot of sense for Carroll to be a fan of Jordan Peterson. After all, isn’t being an incel mostly an inside job?

If the French had ever won a series of wars to conquer the entire continent of Europe they could gain the respect of Kinja user DUHNDUHNDUHN.

That isn’t how the flu works. It doesn’t get stronger because we’ve made a vaccine against it. You should educate yourself before you spread your ignorance (like a virus!) and endanger other people.

Isn’t it called a chiefdom?

Excellent patrio-denfreude aside, what I love about this piece is the idea of ego and legacy and how they overlap at our peak but become antagonistic. They made it this far by shutting out doubt at all costs, but now that same denial is truly folly rather than the beginning of the hero’s tale.

Shop that one around. Someone is sure to bite.

I’m more disgusted by the “America First” sign on the Jazz backboard. WTF is that?


Eh, yeah, I deserved that.

Should have appealed to the fan base by miming throwing batteries and infants onto the field.

Surely, you can’t be serious

No. This joke is lazy and old and doesn’t make sense. Do not like this joke.


Are death threats really legally protected? I’m just a Canadian socialist so I know little of the ways of freedom, but threatening someone’s life seems like it it should be a crime.

Hmmm, but will they be able to get a splice?