Lew Alcinder Block

More like Garrison Feeler

He’s A Dim Son...

Interesting to see how China handles this moving forward. The Ball’s in their court.

The Bowling Green Massacre.

this actually reminds me of a few years ago, i think it was 2011 maybe 2010 where i had broken my right wrist after i threw one down but ball is life so i had to get back out on the court so i didn’t lose my touch suffice to say it was brutal just trying to dribble just shooting pain all the way up my forearm so i

Fultz: When do you think I can play again, doc?

Yes that is the only problem

One of my Japanese friends told me a story about the time he went to the beach in Australia and saw Shaq.

“If you want to be your strongest, get some sun on your boys. And by boys, I mean your testicles.”

this is incredibly good. where’s the real Norm Charlatan?

Meanwhile, remains down from a coordinated denial of service attack.

Stealer Steals Steeler’s Steel Steed

“Stealer Steals Steeler Steed”?

Why does he have to air his dirty laundry in public like this? Just go to Martavius’s house and get it, maybe smack him up too. Just keep it private.

More like Pittsburgh Stealers, amirite?

For the record, you should never do stuff like this for someone you aren't currently dating. So: not for crushes, not for exes you're trying to win back, and not for people you've just started dating either.

Otherwise it just sorta screams "I'm creepily obsessed with you and have no sense of personal boundaries."

Yeah this was a very difficult edit.

Against my better judgement, I read every one. All it did was dredge up every awkward teenage interaction I ever had with girls I liked, and now I have a desire to get overwhelmingly drunk.

Being a man of persistence and determination, I refuse to see a romantic gesture as failed until I see a copy of the restraining order.

The chubby kid playing his clarinet at the girls' soccer game is the best story I've ever read on one of these "Send me your tragic stories" posts Drew does from time-to-time. I was laughing for five minutes at the mental imagery of this girl tying to play soccer while a pudgy kid blows on a clarinet in an effort to