
I wouldn't say sans.

Having moved to the Bible Belt from New England (which, yes, I know, is not some kind of non-racist non-sexist non-crazy non-religious Utopia), I would pay to have "“We rarely find substantial differences” [in the moral behavior of Christians and non-Christians]" emblazoned on billboards across the land.

I am not crying, i am sweating from my eyes.

blue vans with porthole windows towards the back!

HAHA woke my roommate up with that one. That's for sure.

What flavor?

"And I used to date a dude who would regularly eat ice cream cones while taking a shit."

I heard that she & Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.

Never forget.

You missed the part where he chose Paul Ryan for VP because he liked his abs. Not kidding.

So Courtney's now free to share her unique, ehrm, talents with the entire universe instead of just poor deluded Dougie.

+1 in the pooper

It's funny how the comments section of a terribly-written piece more than make up for the general terrible-ness. I am having WAY too much fun.

In this context it means "edited to add."

And now I will spend all day singing "Faith" to myself.

Totally George Micheal and Madonna!

Ah that makes sense, I was thinking Billy Ray Cyrus - not enough mullet though. I do know she's "dressed" as Madonna.

I made myself a Jem and the Holograms costume this year :) Wearing it to an 80s dance party Saturday, too!