
Actually they did not. They did the exact opposite. This is the “You raise the price of the fucking hot dog and I’ll kill you”, automotive edition. You honestly get way more value buying a new ND over its ancestors just on cash alone. The base price of an NA in 1990 was essentially 14K, which adjusted to 2024 Freedom

Why should it cost less than a compact truck? The Miata is a pleasure vehicle. It’s not meant to be “utilitarian”. Pleasure things generally cost more, not less.

Still don’t know why you’re comparing apples and oranges. At least choose something comparable, so the comparison means something.

I have looked at new Nissans on the road, and though “I’d like to buy that”. New corporate design language has hit the right marks for me. These are some of the eye catchers for me:

I don’t know if posting this take on Jalopnik dot com should be considered brave or asking for it, but best of luck to you. You’re gonna need it.

Your honor, I object to the use of ‘unexpectedly’ in the headline. It was expected to explode.

If it hasn’t blown up after 75 years, it’ll never bl.....

There’s a big difference between taking the engine up to the rev limiter, and actual over-revving which can only really be caused by downshifting.

These pale in comparison to the BEST.

Wouldn’t modified cars driving at high speeds through a mixture of paved and unpaved back roads naturally lead to rally racing, and not paved oval racing?

 Outside of Saudi Arabia, rich Saudis do things that would make Caligula blush. 

I don’t think a slight whiff of hypocrisy is a problem for them if it means even more money.

No, but they like money and oil so that helps.

As frequently as Hyundais and Kias get stolen, have recalls or engine failures, I’m surprised they’re doing as well as they are too.

Bribing... AKA Lobbying

Elon is a proven anti-Semite.

Yeah, “big discount” in the title had me thinking in the $40k range at most. $63+k discounted is still too much.

I get that they are different cars, but come on they look damn near the same to me lol.

I will bring automobile manufacturing back to the highest level in the history of our’ll be like it was 50 years ago.

Don’t insult stupid motherfuckers like that. He’s somehow worse.