
Or a mud puddle.

So if I am ever speeding in Irvine, the best way to lose the cops is to drive through a carwash?

“Are they giving us the finger because we’re cops or because we’re in a Cybertruck?”

Died in the cybertruck the other night because I couldn’t get out.

“Tale as old as time,

Well, that’s the first time Nissan balked at sending out a poorly engineered product! (I’m not letting spelling get in the way of this joke.)

For yours, it’s an extremely simple swap, barely any more involved than replacing the original engine and less involved than the Miata swap. Swap the timing cover and oil pan/pickup from the 2.3 and use all the manifold and accessories from your 5.

I’ve said it before on here - but it’s worth repeating. The Honda Element.

I've just been desperately hoping to see the skyactiv x inline 6 actually appear :/

The Goodyear RV tire story was the pinnacle of Jalopnik investigative, independent reporting that rattled a giant and held them accountable instead of letting it get swept under a rug. Incredible work by Felton and a high water mark for Jalopnik as an outlet.

Tell them this flag is just as much their heritage..

Polish, wrap, PPF, tint, ceramic coat, etc. Common things for people to do delivery week of a new car

Never a car itself, but what that car is displaying. I live in an area where several people have Confederate flags plastered all over their cars and flying from their flagpoles. I don’t care how cool your car and truck are, I’m not going to think highly of you for flying these flags.

Diesel pickup are cool and have their place, but these assholes rolling coal in the faces of pedestrians and cyclists can fuck off.

This is engineering solving problem’s people actually had, or at least they appreciated the feature. Now we get change for the sake of change coupled with blinding and overly complex (read: stupid) exterior LED light shows that reek of “because we could” and do nothing for anyone.  And meanwhile your seat heater


Imagine being so braindead that you destroy your own property because some company that only cares about your money decided to signal to the world that, hey, maybe LGBTQ+ people might also want to ride motorcycles? LMAO. Absolutely braindead. And he’ll be rewarded for these shenanigans too because this is how the

A very normal response from a clearly stable person.

As a lib, I feel so owned after seeing this video.

I’m hoping the videos go away next!