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Fun fact: If you look at a map of Texas, it would appear that La Grange is the gravitational center between Austin and Houston. I’m basing this on very science-y calculations showing it’s closer to Austin but Houston would have a larger gravitational pull based on its size, duh. Now I’m going to listen to some ZZ Top.

A lot of people are paying higher premiums than they should and would pay with a competing insurer, but rarely bother to try to make the change. That’s why almost all auto insurance commercials advertise by saying they can save “up to $XXX a year” or something similar with a simple 10 minute phone call. It’s because

So there you have it. A widely used engine technology may be the culprit behind millions of owner headaches. And with GDI use being so widespread across vehicle models and automakers, it doesn’t seem like something you can avoid, unless you buy an older car.

Odds of Elon trying to sue reservation holders because they aren’t following through on the purchase?

AI is slumping?... Tesla is a car company. Tesla has always been a car company.”

Good lord, is that lead image a car or a 14 year old wannabe youtuber’s room?

You are just wrong. ANY extra interior lighting is going to cause your pupils to dilate more than they should and diminish your night vision. This is just science and not up for debate. A car interior should look like this at night, and I’d even say that they have the gauge brightness a bit to high even here.

What the fuck!

A towing outfit named “Gotcha Towing” couldn’t possibly be an ethically challenged business.

It’s weird to support the candidacy of a man who wants to actively harm you, Elon.  It’s super weird.

This is not meaningful deterrence.  Bars, locks, guards, wardens. Now, if not sooner.

You think mercenary tow truck drivers aren’t also MAGA idiots?  I would think that Venn Diagram is a plain circle.

Something something Free Market. Something something hypocritical assholes.

I don’t see why not, it’s just a game. 

Or some cashier kept saying they could and then laughed as they all got towed away.

How are you doing? It’s amazing. It’s so amazing. We should send you into, I’ve always said get some of these guys. I have a lot of friends in that world. I don’t know. I think, isn’t Roger Penske, like, a great guy? The guy won 20 Indianapolis 500s. This guy (pointing to Childress) wins all the time. I mean, we

head here to peak inside some other dilapidated departure lounges”

“last abandoned airport in the world”?

I’m not watching solely because of that clickbait title