Tesla cannot legally impose conditions on the purchase, and he is free to sell it to the dumbest buyer at his convenience. Who the “F” does Musk think he is?
Tesla cannot legally impose conditions on the purchase, and he is free to sell it to the dumbest buyer at his convenience. Who the “F” does Musk think he is?
Right?! The second one auction ends they copy-paste the description for the next auction, changing the text from 400 to 300 miles or whatever.
Also, calling it “analog” is stretching the term. There’s plenty of electronics between the driver and the wheels.
had me thinking the same thing: i didn’t recall bmw having decade old S54s lying around
Doing this destructive shit for clicks...I’m so over it and I wish it wasn’t possible for someone to earn a living this way.
How “strong” tungsten is, is completely irrelevant. I’m sure 45 pounds of anything dropped from that height onto that roof would’ve done the same thing.
The cybertruck missed a shift. It happens to the best of us.
RIP Mazdarati. :(
The Global News articles mentions that it was the OPP in Lambton County that launched the investigation, and the next paragraph states the distance to it. So I guess that was their logic?
What do you call a bunch of billionaires at the bottom of the ocean?
Well, the new “don’t say climate change” law bans gas appliance bans and offshore wind turbines and increases the usage of fossil fuels, so he’s “solving” the crisis by ensuring Florida sinks into the sea as fast possible. He’s like the captain of the Titanic, but aiming directly at the centre of the iceberg.
I’ll be dead and buried afore I drive on a bridge all lit up in the colors of the French flag! You made a powerful enemy today DeSantis. A powerful enemy.
It has come to my attention that those who walk the halls of power are, for the most part, above the law. So no, he will probably not be prosecuted. Now get back to work.
Are Porsche Tesla owners ego so fragile this keeps them up at night? On second thought don’t answer, we already know.
Sure, bud. It’s the Porsche owners who have fragile egos. Not the vapid man-baby who buys entire companies on a whim (only to burn billions by failing by every conceivable metric) and his bootlicking fans.
Who cares? Very clearly Tesla cared since they invented the story ...