jminer @

For those of us who live up north, number of winters will always be more important than number of miles.

I was with you until you said the new RAV4 is ugly.  Polarizing? yes. Ugly like the CR-V.  NOPE!  The CR-V is and has been a limp fish design for a while.

I am back, I am now a full time writer at several outlets, including Jalopnik and you’ll be seeing more of me here! 

Twice in the Morgan. It’s a feature.

A couple of weeks ago I tried to buy a 2012 Tiger 800 for $2k. Someone beat me to it.

Make sure you click outside the confirm password box after writing your password the second time.. For whatever reason it doesn’t actually accept the password until you do that.

Ain’t no herb gonna keep us down!

This made me very sad to read, as a community we really appreciate the kind words though. We’d love nothing more than to stay here an active part of Jalopnik.

So sad.

You do know that we publish a lot of articles every day, most of which are about the tech itself or tech companies but some of which, like this one, are commentary about living in a world shaped by technology (i.e. social media, et al), yes?

Welcome! We always love having a new victim writer here!

Now playing

That’s a lot of rage over a context-free still. The original series had the president in the opening theme and Pinky and the Brain did a whole Clinton episode. So, no, request denied.  Presidents get mocked, welcome to western civilization.

Yes . one motorcycle dealer wanted my drivers license to photo copy before they would discuss price (which was only MSRP) after I waited to be helped for a long time.

Time for this one again:

Anyone sufficiently good at sports to win multiple championships and set records usually is kind of a dick.

Our phones are just trying to filter out the bias from the sky pushing its liberal climate change narrative. 

I see you haven’t watched many of his videos. He makes mistakes aaaall the time, and they are often included, or at least mentioned. He’s very aware that he makes mistakes constantly because he’s impatient and wants things done now now now. It has been ingrained in his soul from working in special effects for decades

Prominently featured on the dash were a row of hand buttons for locking the front or rear differentials, or engage Trail Turn Assist”

Here are a few pics taken from my garden (the ship is roughly 10km away), the first one taken shortly after it ran aground:

“In Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and many other countries, SCHOOLS ARE OPEN WITH NO PROBLEMS,” President Trump tweeted on Tuesday.