jminer @

I’m not sure if a trabant is oil injected or not. But yes it requires separate oil to be put into the gasoline. It is either mixed with the gas while in the tank (like a weedeater) or stored in a separate tank that uses a pump to inject at the appropriate amounts into the carb with the gas (like a dirt bike)

I’m not quite that bad on my bike, I’ve only got about 100 miles before I hit reserve and a 50 mile commute so I fill up every other day. I’ll agree that’s annoying.

Dammit indeed. He will be sorely missed around these parts

He did post those articles, but with a much more insightful commentary. Tvarish’s article was a strange one, he doesn’t ride and gave the same tired opinions everyone else gives.

I’ve been a rider all my life but had never read much moto news. He was interesting and gave an entertaining perspective that I haven’t seen elsewhere.

It was on his twitter yesterday that he no longer worked here and that it wasn’t his decision. That’s all I know...

No news about Sean’s departure? I was hoping for atleast some information and a plan forward.

I grew up taking long trips in a ford Econoline and my first car was a Plymouth Voyager. I love them and encourage anyone who needs one to buy one.

I’d love to help, but I’m about 30 minutes south of st louis. That’s a pretty desolate part of northern missouri your passing through, there aren’t many jalops or auto parts stores up there.

Oh I’m well aware (I live near St Louis) and count on those occasional warm and dry days to get out on my Motorcycle and survive the winter. Spring is the worst, it’s warm enough but won’t stop raining for weeks at a time!

Beautiful car! Without a top in Missouri I imagine you only ride it in summer and fall?

I ride a 45 year old bike so tinkering on the road is frequently required.

Excellently put Sean. I feel the same way and I really enjoy reading your down to earth writing and opinions.

Can a jalopnik writer get COTD? Because this just had me rolling with laughter!

It’s not actually a Harley engine, it just looks like one. It is built by a custom engine shop S&S

I’m with you, if my idiot brother hadn’t run the oil tank dry it would still be running today.

I grew up riding a k7 175! Loved that bike! One of my younger brothers ended up seizing the motor and then scrapping it. I’ve been looking for another for a while, not many have survived though.

Not in Missouri, it has an open container law and a differentiation between driving while over and under the limit of .08

When I was 16 my father made a deal with his neighbor for me to get his old car, a 89 Pontiac Lemans, in exchange for me to do a bunch of work around the house (mow lawn all summer, clean gutters, etc). This was circa 2000 and the car was far from pristine.

Excellent fun. I grew up driving old 2wd pickups in the snow and this is definitely a more fun route.