Jeremy Miller

Why doesn’t it work this way?


When I first saw this headline image I was a bit suspicious. Being a New Orleanean my entire life, I don’t think I’ve ever seen gumbo served on a plate.

I live in New Orleans. Born and raised in New Orleans, in fact. I have never once put okra in my gumbo. I can’t stand it.

This is one of the things I miss the most about iOS; the ability to subscribe to podcasts without needing another app.


I got a really really really cheap leather bag from Amazon a couple of years back. It was really cheap. I was surprised how cheap it was, but I figured I’d bite and get it.

One thing I really liked with my old Nexus on KitKat was was the ability to search for a business phone number from the dialer app.

Hey there. Just saw this, three years later. But better late than never, right?

To answer your question, I did it just one time. Just to compare. I was kind of skeptical that EVERY item would be cheaper, but it absolutely was.

In the past three years since I’ve posted this, I’ve moved away from the Save-A-Lot, so I

Mind. Blown.

Do you happen to have a specific ratio or favorite recipe?

Great. Thanks for the link!

I have a question regarding home made toothpaste. I don’t remember the exact proportions, but it’s essentially:

I’ve always been apprehensive about putting my phone in front of an AC vent. It seems like it would build up condensation and mess up the internals of the phone.

I’ve always been apprehensive about putting my phone in front of an AC vent. It seems like it would build up

Have you looked into the 5x5 workout?

I haven’t been lifting weights very long. Only about 6 months. But I’m a huge geek, so before I started I read everything I possibly could about natural body builders- Body builders that don’t take crazy supplements, steroids, etc. Essentially, body building from the 50s and 60s.

Yes. It is now a one year limit on returns. There used to be no limit. You could buy anything from REI and return it 10 years later if you thought it should have lasted longer.

Yeah, managing the expectations immediately is key.

It’s really all about managing expectations.

I really hate this. People that do shit like this, while it’s technically not illegal or breaking any kind of rules, it’s extremely dishonest.