
I read books about serial killers, and I don’t think they’re cool. I read magazine articles about how people fish by sticking their arm down a catfish’s throat, and I think it sounds stupid. I’ve even read articles where I’m told that shaving your nutsack is what the ladies are looking for, but I’m not gonna do it.

The government needs to look at themselves and ask why things cost so much. They asked for a plane that’s a jack of all trades and master at everything, and then kept adding shit to it. The government holds design authority.

Using how much coverage there is on something to determine its importance is a terrible metric, and if that’s what you are using to evaluate people’s commentary, I can’t imagine how confused you are at this point.

A lot of F-35 criticism has sounded like someone walking up to the frame of a house under construction and being appalled at how bad a house it is at that very moment. News flash: jet fighters take a while and are expensive.

Good of you to cite the accident rates of previous fighters. A lot of FA readers are probably too young to remember the F-16's early years being almost entirely a story of how they earned the “lawn dart” nickname and the public discourse learning what “G-LOC” meant. The F-35 has had a long, difficult gestation, but

*Sees price

Seems particularly appropriate for this pile:

*Sees price

No, there are a lot of vanilla and white sneakers people like you.

I think the right way to phrase that would be: “Tax funded programs that benefit the taxpayers are inherently good”.”

As a liberal myself, I would actually qualify this in that “benefit” means that an alternative method of arriving to the conclusion without government interference (or a method with less government

Not the best way to phrase it but he isn’t wrong.

I mean Michigan voted for him, it’s his duty to screw over the people who believe in him most. #makedetroitpooragain

I mean this goes along with most “liberal” ideas, particularly the new wave of socialist swing. If you want government programs, free college, free healthcare, etc you gotta have a lot of taxes.

Not if everybody else can see it.

This would be the most sensible option for South Dakota.  The fun could continue in the winter.  And it’s possible there’s a Benz dealership close to him.

To you, fellow family road trip professional, I give the drive-by wave, Fig. 2.

Elon Musk has earned the right to get a mulligan on this.

His tunnel boring machine must have hit a major breakthrough, given the rate at which he is digging himself in a hole.

Except there are no damages.