
It’s funky and weird and, most importantly, it’s different.

You seem to not understand how used cars work. Can you find these for cheaper? Sure. Can you find them cheaper with 18,000 miles or less? Heeeell no. I just tried. For what it is, in the condition it is in, with the mileage it has, it’s a nice price. This article series isn’t asking if you’d personally buy it. I

Human Operator : it's a cop, we better pull over.

100% this

I got pulled over on a 50cc scooter once so the cop could ask me “is this thing street legal?”

/Recalls all the stories he’s read over the years about police pulling over supercars, prototypes or custom cars “just because the cop was curious”.

And this is where I have a problem, what was the autonomous vehicle doing illegally to justify being pulled over? Being oddly shaped isn’t against the law. If that is the case, The Nissan Juke, Nissan Cube and a plethora of vehicles would’ve been pulled over. This cop had no business pulling over the vehicle. 

She has WANTED to harm “innocent people” (not in her eyes) many times, and had to be dragged to doing something else many times. I am glad Beth wrote this article, because a lot of haters need to realize that season 8 doesn’t exist in the bubble. The writers have been brilliantly hinting at this almost since the

Mazda called, and they want their face back.

You ok, man?

That’s not very nice.

I can’t tear this Sonic down too much since I drive a Chevy Cruze which uses the same/similar engine and transmission. The real downside to this car is in fact the awful garbage 1.4 turbo GM churned out. They constantly blow head gaskets, they leak oil out of every possible place, it’s underpowered and sluggish, it

A cheap steel can with plastic wood inside is not worth $7300.

Great suggestion! Might as well spend all that combat pay on some american v8 freedom! 

Option C: Do what he wants with this money and what he wants is to buy his dream car.

He said he has the house and can specifically afford this and wants it. Presumably he’s saving for the other things. He asked for car advice, not life advice.

Does it have a secret Cheeseburger hot box and a small fridge full for Diet Coke?

Does it have a drainage system for all the crying he does about how people treat him so unfairly?

Left out of the article is how GM was asked to scale the size down by 75% to make Trump’s hands appear bigger.

There’s blood on board matching the president’s blood type (nacho cheese?) in case of emergency.

...designed to protect the Leader of the Free World(™) in a crisis