
They do have “Fleet Attendants,” who are legally required to sit in the vehicle as a sort of safety driver. They are able to take manual control of the vehicles any time they feel it is necessary but otherwise are just there to monitor the autonomous system

The vehicles conform to FMVSS 500. They can  legally operate on roads with speed limits of 35mph or below, and are limited to 25mph. The platform is built by Polaris and is, in fact, street legal.

Funny that you said this and another on this thread said the 1.4 Turbo was bulletproof. My experience with this engine in my Cruz LT2 was exactly yours. Cracked valve case, leaky head gasket, oil leaks out the hind-end, and now after ~6 years of use I think I’m leaking and burning power steering fluid somehow. Would

This is a purposeless semantic distinction. I could just as easily say “an automobile is not a car. Stop calling it a car. It’s an automobile or, if you prefer, an auto-car.” The word “car” is a shortening and adaptation that originally referred to carriages pulled by horses or trains. It’s a relatively

There are a multitude of reasons for which this is not even remotely feasible. Not the least of which is the extreme difficulty - nigh impossibility - of building a craft that can both have endurance to perform escort/patrol missions and also have the speed/maneuverability to intercept a target in a combat scenario.

Not particularly. The stealth capabilities of the aircraft are not down to a single “coating” of unobtanium that is plated or painted on to the aircraft. Stealth technology is an amalgam of aircraft profile, engine exhaust shrouding and deflecting, coatings and materials, and electronics suites. Many of those elements

That may be true, but that doesn’t mean that it would be good business for Tesla and Musk. And, like it or not, Musk’s immense wealth comes from being a shark, and making, fundamentally, good decisions. He can afford be charitable because his companies are ruthless. The irony of it isn’t lost on me. 

I’m a simple man. I see Anna Kendrick, I star.

That’s not strictly speaking correct. The word “aerodynamic” doesn’t really mean anything, anyways. Everything that flies through air is, by definition, “aerodynamic,” insofar as it has aerodynamic forces acting upon it. But generally, I think, people understand “aerodynamic” to mean, in a simplified sense, its ratio

Wookiees have incredibly long lifespans. It’s the same reason he isn’t gray in the original trilogy, despite the fact that Ben Kenobi is an old man, even though he was fighting alongside Yoda in the Clone Wars.

Same. I didn’t have the XUV, but had a 04 Envoy, and the heating/cooling controls as well as the radio and CD player went in the two years I owned it. Plus, the 4.2 was a dog even empty; I can’t imagine REALLY loading it down. Funnily enough, I talked to a guy who owned 03/04 models in both the I6 and V8 flavors, and

Funny - an absolutely base Envoy was my first car, purchased from my 70-odd-year-old neighbor who was the only owner, and I have a very similar story. The day I got my license I went to a concert at the local amphitheater with my dad and one of his buddies, who ended up a little over-served. As I nervously navigated

CP. I bought a 2004 Envoy with 75,000 on the odometer for $6,000 back in 2010 and sold it for about $4,500 in 2013 with about this mileage on the clock.

Ugh. Of course - literally three days after I replaced all four of my tires directly from Discount Tire.

Ugh. Of course - literally three days after I replaced all four of my tires directly from Discount Tire.

This exactly. Engineering isn’t about building perfection. As one of my old instructors used to say: “Anyone can build a bridge if they throw enough rocks in the water.” Product development requires that engineers toe the line between what is and isn’t robust in order to be able to bring a product to market that

The design itself was news I think about three years ago, but it’s relevant now because the FAA has just certified this feature. If not for that approval, this bird would have never gotten off the ground (heh).

Not only are fighter jets different than commercial airliners, but the F-15 (this aircraft specifically) is different than most military aircraft. The F-15 has a couple of attributes that would have made such a landing impossible (or nearly so) in almost any other aircraft. First, the F-15 has some of (if not

Actually this is more or less true. FAA regulations (and those of the European counterpart) basically require that for commercial aircraft systems that you need to do one of two things to certify it: either (a) Prove that no matter the flight mode and condition (climb-out, cruise, approach, landing) that the failure

Frankly, the fact that there is an entire forum devoted to owners of the Chevy Cruze, one of the least-inspiring compacts (without the benefit of a sporty version) on sale in the United States should tell you all you need to know about automotive fandom. To be clear, I’m grateful for such an existence - since it has

It only took me 3 or 4 instances of happening to toss my keys in the wrong pocket of my jacket (with my phone) for me to get a couple of permanent (noticeable, but not severe) scratches that look like little smudge swirls. Fortunately I can’t see them with my screen on, but when it’s off they’re a reminder of how much