
People with long legs will disagree. A flat bottom wheel is almost mandatory if I want to heel-toe.

In all truth: I think the thick steerings wheels is to try and correlate them to a big SUV, or a truck. Make you feel like you’re doing something other than driving a lifted station wagon.

That Miata be like

Trump has his strategy all worked out. Blame Obama and democrats for not taking care of these asteroids on their watch.  They got Omaha vaporized. 

Nah, obviously the new Space Force will be able to shoot any of these down with their space lasers. 

The Millenium Falcon, which is also a poor aerodynamic design that shouldn’t be able to fly in atmosphere but does so all the damn time, was chased by TIE Fighters through the atmosphere surrounding Cloud City. And while we’re on the subject, let’s talk about those Cloud Cars...

When the first Force Awakens trailer hit I remember an especially galling comment along the lines of, “my roommate saw this and said, ‘TIEs in atmosphere? No thanks.’” Which is some of the most maddening superior know-it-all nerd behavior, given

How is this so hard to understand?

Who makes the determination when it’s acceptable to publish people’s personal information online? Get out of here with your false equivalencies.

Idiot owner effs up the wheels is strike 1. UGLY!

Name a competing car from the same era with these features

Wow, those things were ugly, and time hasn’t been good to them either. Big time CP on this turd.

I’m not sure what to think of rentals. I know they’re abused daily, but I also know they are maintained frequently. I tend to think that the regular maintenance trumps the relative abuse, but there just aren’t a ton of rentals available with a manual transmission, so I haven’t bothered to look into them much.

This is a fair point. We really don’t think about this enough.

First glance “An AMG for 7500$? Scam.

Why buy a 9 year old Mercedes with 140,000 miles when you could literally do anything else with $7500 and probably come out further ahead?

Let us know what—and who—you want to see in this space.

I lived in an area where my highschool friends didn’t get 15k-20k cars, they got new BMWs, Hummers, and one kid even drove a delorean. I pulled together $400 and bought a 280zx... and yes I could see the road between my legs...

Recent advances in safety have made that argument less popular. A lot of people give their kids their most recent commuter and buy a new car for themselves.

A Piper Navajo isn’t going to get you above the weather. A light jet will.