
Hey Wes, I’d like to get your take on a (admittedly pie in the sky) path I came up with in a different thread with GeniusUnleashed. I’m genuinely curious in your opinion on the potential effectiveness were it actually possible to get over the political issues to be able to implement it.

(I apologize if this reply seems rushed, my computer crashed during the first attempt, so this is try #2)

Yeah, I’m on the east coast and while there was always at least 1 doe day a season, for the last 5-10 years they’ve made it virtually every weekend just to cull the herd as much as possible.

I’ve tried Zapier in the past for this, but ever since IFTTT added a Trello channel I’ve used it instead.

Yes, I try to keep up with programs like Yellowstone... while not my primary line of work, I did study this in college and have kept up interest as a hobby.

The unfortunate truth is that all the biological best practices have to be tempered with local politics.

Got tons of them around me in SC. Lots and lots of people move down here from up north because their retirement savings gives them way more bang for their buck than staying in the northeast. Course, you do have to deal with the idiots...

A friend of mine from the Netherlands introduced it to me. According to him — so if anyone knows different/better, feel free to chime in — it’s short for koekkoek which is a non-word that was used roughly the same as OK. At first I only used it in im’s but I’ve started using it vocally on occasion pronounced as

I’ll add my vote here. Mine has been incredibly awesome.

Your family is not alone in that aspect either. Mine has the same issue - including the Vulcan like need for logic. The way I think about it beyond the logic side is that it's like the disease where people can't see/remember faces, but it's emotions instead of faces that we can't see. And I know it's at least

No need to apologize, I feel the same way. Cheers

If you don't mind me asking, what genre(s) does your wife write in and what would you (or she) considers to be a representative title (that I can look up and possibly purchase to see if I want to read more). I don't particularly care whether or not she's a female author (white or otherwise), but I'm always

Yeah, I was being generous about the average intelligence of the typical SC voter. He has lost a good bit of support in the upstate. Since most of the population is in Columbia and Charleston, it's really up to those two cities to decide it.

He's just very distanced from real life, and for some reason, the voters appear to appreciate that. Perhaps they think the position is less dangerous when held by someone incompetent?

And then there is South Carolina where (for now) the sales tax caps at $300 for vehicles...

You're certainly correct that credit card info can be used for more than just account numbers. I I certainly agree with the general sentiment regarding erring on the side of privacy.

Not to get too off track here — I'm in favor of this sort of law and general privacy protections and therefore generally agree with where you're coming from — but no, those things weren't meant for digital either.

I was thinking the same thing, dug around their website and their claim is 18 months.

I hear (but don't have first hand info) that several of the counties around me in SC essentially run a cash for points on tickets less than 4 points. How many points they drop is dependent on how much you're willing to spend. I hear about it even more in the cash-strapped counties.

Glad to be of service! :)