
As the caretaker / personal servant of two cats and a toddler, I know your pain. These are uglier than sin but cover things that are plugged in— hopefully you can find something similar that looks better:…

and add in the fact that when portland cement sets, it absorbs co2 and releases o2. So once the cement is used, the net carbon emissions is the amount of carbon released by burning fossil fuels — which is a fraction of what the total emission count is. Given that there are varying degrees of efficiencies to do that

My dad is a Gideon, and that's pretty much the viewpoint they have. Though several of the more blue collar hotels request them because, according to the hotel (heard third hand or so, so I'm not saying it's gospel), it does actually reduce incidents such as overdoses and suicides.

My dad is a Gideon and I'll pass that idea (please take me card) along to him next time I talk to him. But I can confirm that (at least the local) group philosophy is to get a Bible in as many hands as possible and they don't mind restocking at all. Last time I talked to him about it, my dad said they restock the

Fellow Furman grad here... '01

A lot of the brands I see are standardizing on different colored handles for the different tip types. The full screwdriver set I have is red for slotted, blue for phillips, and gray/clear for torque. The precision screwdriver set I have uses 4 or 5 different colors for the various types.

I apologize for the late reply, I was on vacation.

"Turbulence isn't all that rare"

Yeah, I know. I wasn't really looking to get into a detailed risk analysis in my first comment since I didn't think that was what Gear_chip was looking for.

I don't disagree with you. I just think that's a parent's judgement call and not for me (or anyone else) to dictate.

Look for a car seat that is FAA certified. IIRC, Those are allowed on all US airlines.

Yeah, if the ICBM had been invented, and the nuclear bomb had not, we would be living in a much different world today. Actually that sounds like it would make a good plot for a novel....

Because you can't tell the difference between a conventionally armed ICBM and a nuclear one until after it detonates.

What you are saying about population control is mostly true. However, a population equilibrium doesn't not necessarily mean a healthy population.

I'm glad someone could :)

I have one. I found it did work pretty well for team-based FPS's... virtually useless for anything else.

There's some debate over what the shape represents. Some think it's a moon; some think it's a gorget. (some SC uniforms of the era had the same shape on the cap, but with the points oriented up) See here for an article on the debate:…

I see that sort of thing happening - not that great but on smaller items/amounts - and in talking with one of the smaller shop owners around here I found out it's easy money for them. The store gets a commission on "selling" the loan and the loan holder gets a low-cost risk reduction in their loan pool so they can

Not sure about the km signs. But they weren't solar water heaters. They were photovoltaic panels that didn't produce as much electricity as they were supposed to.

Haven driven relatively often in 2 areas on the list, I'd argue that the roads weren't designed with thought period. Too many of them started out life as cow paths / deer trails that somebody decided should be paved.