
I haven’t heard anything about a Tesla hitting a parked truck while in TACC mode.

Side guards are becoming more common (almost standard), but they’re for airflow rather than for safety. Also, I’m guessing we have a lot more older model trailers on the road in the US than Europe (I have no data to back this up other than driving behind some really old equipment on the interstates.) They do seem to

Not sure about Raleigh... I’m from SC, lived here my entire life, and ever since I can remember the forecast from late June to late August has been: Hot as hell, scattered thunderstorms from 4pm to 7pm. If anything, you’re just getting the weather pattern that folks 100ish miles south of you have been getting for the

I’ve lived in the state all my life — though have traveled a good bit around the country visiting relatives (big spread out family).

As a resident of SC, I have these responses...

Haven’t read the book, but I think I found it... “Dreamships” by Melissa Scott

So far I’ve backed 6 kickstarters over the past 3 years, 5 succeeded and 1 is still waiting to see if it hits the funding goal.

I don’t know about being trapped in a car due to a seat belt, but I did have a friend pass in a wreck that was survivable when the seat belt decapitated her. And yes, I’d wager it was not on correctly.

I’m on the east coast and I see you guys hit up zMax in Concord NC a lot. Do you know if your east coast guys have tried to get in touch with BMW? They have a proving course as part of their plant in Greer and I know some other driving classes have been done out of there. My kids are a long way off from this, but I’m

Yes, it’s now based on check in time. the numbers (I think, it’s been a while for me too) are A1-A60 and B1-B60.

And to further complicate matters, CO2 is actually absorbed by the cement during the setting and curing process. (I don’t think the chemical reactions quite net out, but it’s not insignificant.) So the primary source of net CO2 emissions from cement tends to be burning fossil fuels to generate enough heat for initial


Ya know, I just can’t help myself today...

Not sure about the Nimitz or Ford class... but I’ve got it second hand (my dad was on a destroyer doing picket duty during a carrier shakedown) that at least 1 carrier in the early sixties could do well above 35 knots.

Is it likely, no. Is it possible, yes. Modern shotgun shells usually have a center fire primer. If something were to impact that primer with sufficient force, it will fire.

I’ve gone with AT&T’s Next plan — I know I know, but really, I don’t need to upgrade my phone every 2 years anyway, I just want to get through the payments and have a lower phone bill.

My STEM hero would have to be my dad. Never graduated college. Went into the Navy and got trained by the Navy to be an ET-R. Got interested in computers while serving. Left the Navy and started his own electrician business with a friend. Moved across the country to get away from snow and found work at a manufacturing

Cool, wasn’t sure if they did drops local. I always enjoyed watching them train when I lived in the area. Nothing quite like a cargo plane at treetop height buzzing overhead. I still remember staring the first time I saw one of those bad boys hover in a headwind.

Gotta move a little North* to get the drops. That’s where they practice.

I’m not going to come down on Wes. I’ve had many similar conversations like what he walked into, and quite frankly, it was so exasperating that you end up needing to get into the woods for a week just to get the crazy out of your head.