
also I'm quite curious about the way it will handle multiple notifications because I don't want something that looks like the Blackberry OS which just shows a lot of icons and fills my whole screen. But yeah tomorrow we will know for sure and I hope iOS 5 will bring some great features and maybe a bit of a "redesign"

I kinda like it but will it be the same for all apps or just Twitter and Facebook (just to point out some major apps)?

okay... I don't get the thing about the pool jokes, I don't know any jokes that involve pools

That's just the name of the "group" of people who make this videos because they also do real improvs... check their youtube channel

he was/is actually human and his hair grows and changes to grey then white when he gets older... maybe he didn't use Just For Men that day

I am jewish and yes you are right in the part where it's ideal to bury the body but there are times when the body can't be buried in the next 24 hours. For example when it's Yom Kippur it lasts for 24 hours so if someone dies a couple of hours before it starts, either you have tu rush to bury the body or you have to

Dream Spark is absolutely amazing...

Gizmodo, you should mention that it's owned and built by the richest man in the world: Carlos Slim. Otherwise it would not make a lot of sense

you win!

it's not that it isn't centered... it is that it is visually wrong it looks like it's on the right side because the number one isn't visually balanced and it should be aligned to the center but from the longest line

it would be worse with Comic Sans

This my friend Jesus... is your best post by far I totally agree with everything you said and I noticed it too but I thought it was my bad vision.

I thought it was badly made until I saw the penny...

the real question is.. Will it blend?

That update is actually evil... it's 666 Mb

you've got to love the category CRAP...

I'm sure we would blow up in a second

Six Feet Under too