
Overcooked 2? am I the only one more excited for Overcooked 2 more than any other game in this list? Hell yeah!!

In my experience it is a case of having less than 3 hours daily to game so I just pick up a quick game like Rocket League or Overwatch to jump right into the game. I have a backlog of about 10 games I really really want to play and haven’t already. I got the Switch recently and decided to play Zelda and so far I have

Portal 3, Orange Box remastered with Portal 2 included.

You don’t celebrate it... as a mexican I can tell you that we laugh at you celebrating this day which is irrelevant for us.

This really surprised me when looking for a car about a year ago, I hated the complicated ugly infotainment systems that come with most brands. I’ve always liked BMW’s iDrive system, I think that it is the best designed system in a car, it’s simple, easy to use, you don’t have to look at the screen or touch the screen

When it first announced I was very hyped for this game but after playing the closed and open betas I just came to the conclusion that it is in fact a good game, very interesting combat mechanics but it’s something I’ll have to wait and see how it evolves because I got really bored in both betas, the combat needs a bit

We are living in a time where people are too sensitive. If my seat reclines I will recline, if my car honks I will honk. People want to have permission to do anything. Fuck this era.

I’m sorry but if I can recline I will recline my seat, I don’t have to ask permission to do anything I am able to do, if you chose a non reclinable seat well too bad for you, it’s not my issue. People need to chill and not get offended by this stupid things, next year we will get non reclinable seats and if you want

Just play Spotify in the background with a Tony Hawk playlist

I played through the betas and I did enjoy it but it felt soulless. It has no thrill and no challenge to make yourself land crazy combo tricks, I know this isn’t SSX but extreme sports need to be insane. I am considering getting this game but maybe I’ll wait for a price drop.

You win! Enough internet for me today.

Elizabeth Hurley disagrees with you also.

Pebble! Just a Pebble is all you need! Pebble is love, Pebble is life, the king is dead, long live the king.

Hey man, no need to get all feisty. Just sell the Apple Watch and get a Pebble, it’s a watch with some features like notifications and always on screen + some apps I never use

Looks like a nice story and game but graphics are very strange to me, in some parts it looks beautiful but the main character looks bad IMO, I know it is not meant to be realistic but it looks like a remastered PS2 version of a character.

Perfectly shaping the future for teens/kids

Yep, it’s an ugly car that only Jalopnik thinks is the best looking car out there. In fact I think it is a serious contender for the top worst looking cars ever.

Yes it does

Yes it does

I wanted to get it for PS4 but only the Xbox One has the discount.

I wanted to get it for PS4 but only the Xbox One has the discount.

Also free this month on PS+ for PS3