Diminishing Skills

It is not entitled, it is a right to voice public opinion.

Invoking anti-fascist activists just confirms the false equivalence nonsense inherent in your minding your own fucking business statement.

Like, for fuck’s sake, keep your own damn self out of it and not comment.


As someone who was born and raised in Oberlin, I don’t think WP was the reason the prosecutors (city and county) declined as Ohio laws are notoriously inadequate when it comes to this type of deliberately provocative behavior designed to incite a panic.

“Lorain County Prosecutor Dennis Will concluded that the actions

‘Cause the city used to abide by the tenets of a compact Midwestern city until they annexed all the farmland to the detriment of the rest of Ohio. *shakes fist at cloud*

Economic refugee? We ended up on the east coast because jerbs but would likely go back to the FrankDelLickPickMadFairUn sprawl because jerbs just like most of our friends and family.

I’m just old and can remember when Klumbus was well within compact limits and farms were within 270 and Big Bear on High got us beer for

No. We’s edumacated.

It is “in the city” only because Klumbus annexed every cow pasture in Franklin county said this NE Ohioan.

Plus the US and Saudis are the last remaining gender-separate scouting organizations. It has been long overdue as we have assumed several packs that have folded in our area yet we only have anywhere from 23-31 boys any given program year.

The separate but equal is going to be hard to enforce at the local unit level speaking as a pack leader. We have one den with two scouts while another has 13. There are not enough parents willing to volunteer (see @I Love Clam Sauce above) to sustain the separation model. We have a few siblings who are going to join

There is no difference in the BSA Youth Protection Training that differentiates between male or female leaders. In the absence of a parent, leadership is to be “two-deep” regardless of gender.

The Towering Inferno & Earthquake special disaster double feature at the Drive-In when I was a kid (‘77 or ‘79)

I am old.

Is there public information on the contract and how much the parish receives from this wonderful, family-friendly service? When is the inevitable rate increase? Are the monies going to the correctional facility budget, the sheriff’s office or general fund? What is the term of the contract? What extra fees result if

It was, uh, ahem, *clears throat* “free” back when it came out depending on BBS/usenet location.

I like dogs. I have had dogs all my life. But I don’t need dogs everyfuckingwhere I go. I find the idea of non-service animals in a restaurant — even if it is on the sidewalk or patio — abhorrent.

I am so tired in life having to adjust for the human lowest common denominator that I refuse to adapt for their canine

I’m not the pedant. You’re the pedant.

Amtrak? Looks like Norfolk & Southern freight to me.

There is no “c” in the passenger rail company.

So someone of Iranian (Persian) descent is a philosophical/intellectual leader of the movement?

I don’t see where this can go wrong. /s

Jorjani should realize exactly who are the sans-culottes in this movement.

Disappointed with the commentariat due to their lack of Hinckley references. Sad.

I remain

That right there is just a thing of beauty coming from someone who grew up on Big Chuck (both Houlihan and Lil John).

Just remember, “Ain’t no way / Never surrender / No matter what the odds”