Gotta use 2 slices of cheese. :)
Gotta use 2 slices of cheese. :)
So, two legs?
I just take a straw and blow bubbles into the bottle before serving. No one has complained yet.
Is there a reason you can’t just shake the OJ container?
mac and cheese... where do you get these crazy ideas from??
Then, as you enjoy eating your extra crispy fries, also enjoy me punching you in the side of the head for holding up the drive thru line.
Great googly moogly!
(c) Background Check: Before the Grand Prize is awarded, potential winner will required to submit to a confidential background check. Such background check may include (but is not limited to) investigation of criminal, sexual offenses, or other arrest or conviction record, and any other factor deemed relevant by the…
footlong coney with mustard pickles tomatoes and onions. supersonic jalapeno bacon burger tomatoes onions, route 44 ocean water, large tots.
The Sonic of the future has landed and its straight out of the 1950's. Just need to put the staff on roller skates and we good.
Slideshow blows!
i typed in page 10* in the url to get directly here to tell you that. enjoy the rest of your day!
As a graduate of cooking school, and a retired personal chef, I must add that even though your intentions are correct, your execution needs a re-think. Yes, keep your work space clean. Best advice: throw trash away immediately. But opening your refrigerator door multiple times is wasting energy. You have a 1 to 2 hour…
The Public: Posting “Thoughts and Prayers” is useless and stupid.
That was the joke that got me out of bed today😆
Great, lady, great for the Jews. Thank you so much! Like we don’t have enough trouble without you being an asshole AND announcing your religion at the same time. What people of a certain mindset will remember is the fact that you are Jewish and they will attribute your assholery to that. Good going. Please stay home.
On Bobby Bonilla day and everything.
Listen. Adoption is such a long, arduous, painful, confusing, emotional, EXPENSIVE process that the idea anyone would or could go through it as some kind of popularity stunt or money-making enterprise (omg) is absurd. I mean, I think vlogging the whole thing like this is in very bad taste, but reasonable minds can…
Oh thank God, I was afraid this tribute to American Excess might falter in these troubled times.
The cure is worse than the disease!
Turns out the cure for Covid-19 is ketchup on a hot dog.