
I worked with my brother in the kitchen of his small pub restaurant for a short time, just to help him out during a staff shortage. I would say the only habits I came away with was the concept of mis-en-place, and having a garbage bowl next to the chopping board. I find just those two things makes life so much easier

What did that seed ever do to YOU

Also, forgot Totino’s party pizzas. They’re square now, but taste the same.”

1st half of article: My barista swears he doesn’t use TikTok. “That’s, like, the social media thing, right?... I just thought it sounded refreshing,”

What the fuck.

Nobody should be celebrated for working 27 years straight for fucking Burger King without taking time off. Nobody should work at any job for 27 years and not take any sick time, especially in a place where he’s around lots of people and handling food that they will be consuming. Working 27 years straight without

If you work in an office with a semi-crowded fridge? Don’t fucking do the first tip. It’s annoying as fuck (at least back when we went into the office) when some fucker takes up half a shelf with all their sandwich ingredients so they can play subway sandwich artist at lunch.

“One year there was a man who kept screaming every time he took a shot, got into a fight with his girlfriend, made her cry, then got into a screaming match with his bros, then reached behind our bar and stole one of our water pitchers and started drinking directly out of it, all in the span of like 20 minutes. He was

Given that I don’t think you can get a Taco Bell taco for $1, I’d be wary of a $1 slice of pizza big enough to fold.

Red frankfurters make a weird looking sandwich.

I’m shocked to see someone who knows nothing about child psychology comment some dumbass shit in a comment section! Shocked I say!

Do you have kids? Honestly, I had the same attitude until my oldest began having problems with school in the second grade that quickly turned into problems with authority itself because the way the school tried to handle it. My wife and I spent the next year playing the “cop” and “boss” in an attempt to force him to

If you have a grill, i really recommend getting one of the A-maze-n tubes and starting your cook with that also going. Cheap/easy way to add some smoke at the beginning of the cook, which is where most of the smoke will be absorbed regardless.

How much would anyone like to bet that the data miners misinterpreted “relish tray” as “charcuterie tray” because they are ignorant?

There is not a single person on earth, let alone an entire state, whose favorite Thanksgiving side is fruit salad. 

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. Accept no substitutes.

And again, some TikTok person “discovers” what is already widely known. Thanks.

I dont need this kind of negativity on a Wednesday morning Danny 

All of this sounds like someone who doesnt work in an office.  No one gives a shit about any of these things.  No one is laughing at the Olds for saying Presentation instead of Slide Deck.

You’ve gotta get some better pita bread then, my dude.