Dick Nenton

Hmm, in my experience, every kid eventually phases into adulthood.

Hey, just wanted to give some input- by trying to make these podcasts look like articles, I am less inclined to actually listen to them. Every week it’s something I’m genuinely interested in reading, but because it turns out to be some sneak ad for the podcast it just makes me frustrated. I don’t mean this as

... when I get pissed at someone in an online game, I sometimes say to myself “what a fucking fag.” And that doesn’t even make sense because I never say that word or any variation of it in any other context.

Dead how? Regionals still get hundreds of entrants, pros are still making a living off of it, amateurs are still joining the scene, and most importantly they’re all still having fun. No reason to move on.

yeah, we should never be worried for people who can afford a car you can’t, even during one of the largest storms we’ve ever seen. fuck you with a chainsaw

The V30 looks sweet, but that effectively killed removable batteries in Android flagships (as far as I know, V20 was the last man standing). I’m well aware the majority don’t use this feature... just kind of a bummer there’s nothing out there, or even a special model for those of us that take advantage of it. For me,

Story needs to be updated.

Judging from some comments made on social media, it sounds like the people arrested knew that it was likely they were going to be arrested.

Faster, cheaper, cleaner, more convenient etc etc.

Looks like we need the scoff guard.

They should call their moms to see where it is, moms always know where everything is.

To me, 12 was the final bullet to the series for me.

It’s commercialisation that keeps them vibrant and relevant, though. There’s only so much room for open air museums in prime real estate areas. Better to put those historical buildings to good use, while still respecting their architectural heritage.

Fake cancer drugs?

Can’t say I disagree with Sanders as it relates to Mello. If the left wants to win, then they actually have to turn an eye away from purity bullisht and toward...y’know...actually getting some points up on the fucking board.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

We’ve always been at war with Eastasia!

1200+ hours in GTA online. This is all just paranoia. It’s really just a design flaw in how the A.I works with traffic in GTA 5. I’m going to put the paranoia to a rest.

Liberals, most of us, hated his use of drones, hated his actions in the Middle East that resulted in those deaths. His approval ratings would have been ten points higher if he hadn’t been doing that.

Oh god, please don’t make him autistic again. I mean, yeah, we’re under-represented in the media, but portraying a villain who’s evil because he’s autistic pretty much amounts to a hate crime against a very vulnerable group.