Dick Nenton

Given his explicit familiarity with multiple dynasties and broad swaths of history, I’m going to venture to guess this is an example of metonymy. So, for instance Number 10 Downing Street can stand in for the entirety of the British government, when in reality that government is spread out through multiple buildings.

That’s what it’s made for! I don’t understand your comment.

Uh. This article’s “lame attempt” is the classic recipe for an old fashioned.

Cherries and whole oranges (rather than just peal) are a mid century addition to the drink, intended to make it sweeter for post war American palates. Modern old fashioneds can be nice if made properly. But if you gonna pedant over an old

Old grumpy people not realizing that streaming now really can be a profession.


I’m a reluctant millennial (‘84), but in all reality, if our sparking a “fresh perspective” to mortuaries results in more options for natural burial I’m down.

Thanks for speaking for everyone!! cause you know what everyone wants. Can you get me a Xmas present? you know my address so I don’t need to tell you. Thanks you Da BES!!

Except I DO want a Multiplayer Fallout game, and I’m loving the BETA so far, having played in every release of it so far... stop talking for others when you can only realistically talk for yourself.  Do I want better?  Yes.  That doesn’t make this version bad, just not the best it can be... and with this exploit, I

You really should stop talking in the first person plural, unless you’re a king it’s kind of creepy.

I mean, I think it’s probably valuable to know that you can send 3D images to people and they can view them flat, rather than not working at all/being in an unreadable format.

Arby’s is way better now than it was in the 90's, and they have come up with some pretty tasty limited-time creations over the last few years.

Or maybe we could listen to the concerns of underrepresented people when they say something hurts them, rather than making false equivalencies and mocking them.

I don’t know if you meant this to be funny or were serious, but considering the length you went to, I’ll respond as if you were serious.

You do know how Bethesda schedules their games, right? This is not a replacement for Fallout 5, Fallout 5 is coming after ES6 and always has. This is a bonus spin-off game co-developed with another studio. They could have never made this and we’d still not be getting Fallout 5 until after ES6. I don’t fucking

No argument here. It wasn’t really funny.

Honestly, I personally hate phones with no "chin" whatsoever.  Edge to edge display certainly looks nice but with no buffer between the display and your hand it's too easy to accidentally interact with the edge of the screen.  I still accidentally hit enter a bunch of times with my palm while inputting text on my P2xl.

Have you actually handled one in real life, or are you just trolling? I sincerely ask, because I did at my local BB store, and to my amazement the notch was not the first thing I noticed, it was the entirety of the phone that blew me away in it’s beauty. The display actually balances out the notch, that it’s actually

I don’t get the hate for the notch. Do people think the notch is taking away screen space? They’re not covering something up, they’re adding extra pixels to the sides that would have been blank.

“to never to pears”??? Time for a superintendent evaluation...

Fine, let me rephrase that for you: