Dick Nenton

I don’t think I saw one negative comment in the article. He just described the damn thing.

Discussing =/ criticizing 

You did read the rest of the article right? Or did you just stop there.

In the eighties you didn’t have the internet and the ability, perhaps obligation, to document what is  happening.

It’s probably less effective than nothing. Those “droplets” are suspendend in the air for some time. Anything that’s actively pulling in unfiltered air is bad news.

I cannot think of a single game I have ever played where I have to stop what I’m doing and hit a loading screen anytime someone chooses to enter.

I think it’s more they can see where large groups are congregating and correlate that data with other data they have on the spread of the disease.

Is this really a thing? I’m on a few Bernie subreddits and I’ve never seen such attitude. Most Sanders supporters I know would sooner elect literal fire.

Costco gas is toptier mate

That’s cool, but they’re not painting their vulvas on camera so that’s not exactly a fair comparison.

Did you read the article? There’s aren’t “more durable” jeans. They’re “stretchier” and “softer”.

Did you read the article? There’s aren’t “more durable” jeans. They’re “stretchier” and “softer”.

You sound like one of those people in those informerials who can’t handle putting a stack of cups in the cabinet without dying on the floor.

PC gamers have wanted Halo to come home for a long time. This is not a thing to complain about. You do not have to repurchase it, unless you really want to play it on your PC. Then you can inevitably nab it in a steam sale.

So about two weeks after posting this...

I think you missed a word there. How does one convince a dog to stop eating anything?

Is it because I only worked at Olive Garden and never go out to eat that I thought it was normal to be pissed about this ? They actually made a big deal about this during my training as a waiter. It was very important that food did not come out early, or we would get reamed by the customer or my boss. This was ten

You know how free-to-play games have whales? Whales aren’t new. I knew kids that would have their parents buy ever single version of the game and multiple game boys to go with.

I want to addendum that in a year there’s been nary a a problem Maybe our disposal is awesome? I shouldn’t be putting 60 eggshells at a time every two weeks through my garbage disposal?

I know this is a tad old, but since no one seems to have chimed in: I recall reading a study somewhere (no citation, sorry) that claimed that 3 in 4 people who smoke cigarettes have some sort of mental health issue. I have autism and adhd. When I used to smoke cigarettes, I definitely found it helped with focus and