Dick Nenton

The amount of mercury in multiple dental fillings is about 1/4 or less than eating fish once per week. Mercury in amalgam isn’t toxic at all.

Dear idiots,

Ok, first of all, that wasn’t a “vaporizer pen” it was a hybrid mechanical mod with a rebuildable atomizer on it. Those are EXTREMELY dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing as they are nothing more than a metal tube and a button that connects the battery to a coil of wire. And this guy didn’t know what he was


That yellow one just had to be a special snowflake.

I ported successfully. I can’t remember how long it took but it wasn’t instant, I started in the evening went to bed and it was done when I check on it the next morning.

I ported successfully. I can’t remember how long it took but it wasn’t instant, I started in the evening went to bed

Why is this showing on my feed on 12.20.2016????

A 16 year old doesn’t need to be beaten up for doing something dumb. No-one does. Fuck off.

They just did.

I read that, but there are multiple ways to notice you’re short 3,200 barrels. Not the least of which is that you’re 3,200 barrels short that day. A bunch of things had to go wrong and some of them probably not electronic.

Hmmm...if I lose 176,000 of just about anything, I notice it immediately. Didn’t the fluctuation in pipe pressure not tell the pipeline services company that something had just gone wrong? Thankfully, it’s only 3,200 barrels or so. That’s less than a rounding error. Terrible, but at least it wasn’t on the scale of

Ah yes, the old hate on PewDiePie bandwagon. You know I don’t care for his videos, or the way he presents himself and I don’t watch him but...

I wonder if there’s supposed to be a cultural difference in-game between Alola and Johto/Kanto on this issue. Because in Gold/Silver, Team Rocket’s Slowpoketail operation was treated as criminal. It could be because they were poaching wild Slowpoke while most tails are farm-raised, but from what I can recall the

You could maybe buy a mount that’s not trashy and cheap?

I’m supposed to take advice from someone that has an almost full bottle of Glenfidditch and an empty bottle of Jack Daniels Honey?

I’m supposed to take advice from someone that has an almost full bottle of Glenfidditch and an empty bottle of Jack

The problem is not that Prison Architect looks too much like America. The problem is that America looks too much like Prison Architect.