Dick Nenton

I think paying 9$ a pound for buttter is probably a bad idea.

But like...why? Why not a New Yorkian? Am I a born Texer? Now that I live in the PNW am I a Washingtonerianonite?

I’ve lost 80lbs. All I did was get a job at a warehouse. 

I would have expected the image to not be rendered at all, like wot happens when you send emojis and the like to dumbphones. Or that it would be loaded, but look really weird. 

You can’t take the “basic tenets” of the bible and be a good person. If you act like Jesus did, you’ll probably do okay. He was a pretty solid dude. But that’s less than half the bible.

Not long, a a year and a half or so. I’m a hardcore nerd, so when I get into something, I get into it. I’ve read the Bible end to end like it’s a gripping page turner. I even read the boring genealogies that everyone skips over. When Mormons or Jehovah’s Witness knocked on my door, I engaged in healthy debates

Have you read the Bible? I used to be a preacher. Reading the Bible is why I’m not.

I just read that Discworld book that quote is from.

There are a great deal of non-athletic competitive events that are referred to as sport. I for one never broke a sweat playing golf or that game where you hit a little ball with a mallet around some white lady’s front yard. Also, what about the people who dedicate their lives and year of physical and mental training

I read somewhere that the reason the shows characters are animals is to make it more difficult to relate to them. The stories this show tells about mental health get very deep and real and can hit a lot of personal issues for some folks. I watched the entire first season and didn’t like it, and eventually did it again

Lore tends to refer to all of the story content and world building of a game. In science-fiction, for a certain kind of nerd, i.e. most of us, that includes data and schematics of in-universe kit.

Milk with lactose removed tend to be a bit on the sweeter side, but is otherwise exactly the same. We’ve never noticed any difference in the ice-creams we eat.

Literally not what he said at all. 

I think it’s super cute how no one in the comments realizes this isn’t serious.

Hot take: I like it.

It’s almost like defining things into words is the entire point of science.

I think he expected you to read the article. I’m too stupid for play Civ games and I totally understood what he meant.

If it’s only good for participants, that’s a video game.

You first.

That’s a good point. I often find that my take-out menu comes off as classic literature, when I read it that way.