Dick Nenton

.It’s a literal description of the subreddit. The entire point of the subreddit is to post about the mundane, boring, or other things generally uninteresting. I discovered and subscribed to it precisely because of this article. Not attacking. Describing.

Attacking? Did we read the same thing?

I have never physically demonstrated my ability to drive a car to anyone. Did one of those mail-order/early-online/Cd-rom driver’s ed stuff and just went to the DMV and got handed a license.

I didn’t know this was a rare condition. I had a childhood friend who occasionally would sweat blood and we never thought anything of it. Wow. Kids aren’t phased are they?

Prisoners can’t be organ donors. They’re high-risk for infectious diseases.

Prisoners aren’t allowed to be blood or organ donors and it has nothing to do with punishing them. There’s no battery of tests that can completely rule out dangerous infections. Prisons and jails are places with huge HIV problems and are generally pretty good at spreading infections. You cannot taking an organ or

Complains about insults and generalizations...calls a guy a moron.

You should do a bit of reading on autism. Lots of people don’t have an inner voice. I think in pictures and movement.

Yeah but can I smoke a bowl with it?

Yeah but can I smoke a bowl with it?

“(Disease-wise, anyway. Humans may be less likely to bite, though.)“

Can I just say that you and I must be playing entirely different games. Also, Mario has always been bloody easy. Old games didn’t give much of a tutorial but there is nothing that compares to the brutality of some of today’s games. If you’re playing games that don’t give you a sense of accomplishment, you’re playing

Practice + time = Skill

I can’t read and properly comprehend this shit right now because I’m already in a terrible sadness today (Love/hate relationship with love, anybody?) and I’m just getting myself confused. Did everyone at the protest know they were being arrested before hand? Was getting arrested part of the plan, or did they just get

980 rides, no one has one vomited in my car.

If it’s against explicitly stated rules, it is cheating.

Do you believe black-market guns just appear out of thin air? Criminals don’t magically have access to better things because they break the law. All that kit has to come from somewhere. 9 times out of 10. If your local thug has a gun, it was stolen from someone who bought it legally.

You’re absolutely correct. Let’s all think back to America’s mass clubbing and stabbing problem.

Holy shit mate take a fucking chill pill.

Over and over my brain kept reading that as “do not”. I’m like, why are you telling people not to get the shot if the sickness is so awful? Got to bed, brain.

Literally no one here is misunderstanding photogrammetty. Only you are willingly ignoring or misinterpreting the author. No one said they used lasers for.