Who can forget the time a Brand tried to normalize brother sister, uh, relations.
Who can forget the time a Brand tried to normalize brother sister, uh, relations.
I liked this a lot more than I thought I would. I saw the first season as good, not great, but Season Two is off to a great start. Sorry to see Jason Schwartzman leave so soon, though.
Despite being produced by the WWE, Rumble is a wrestling picture for children that feels profoundly confused about why, how, or if anyone enjoys wrestling.
What’s with the aggressive shit talk about other people’s personal decisions? If people want dumbass tattoos, that’s their deal, who cares?
If Josh Brolin doesn’t scream “ATOMICS!” during the final battle I’ll be forced to give this movie zero out of 10 Gom Jabbars.
Krakauer wrote a work of non-fiction, not a “novel”.
There’s SOME personal responsibility to not be an asshole in there. Kids are a product of their environment in a lot of ways, but they can also grow their own moral compass. It sounds like another way to not blame white male toxicity.
These kids are great and well & truly rock. In fact, the only reason they didn’t win Battle of the Bands was because the judges made it into a total beauty contest when they chose those talent-less poseurs ‘No Vacancy’.
Man, Bourdain is the only celebrity whose death rocked me and still rocks me to this day. Adam Yauch sort of did but that has faded. I still cannot bring myself to watch the Bourdain episodes of whatever that I’ve missed in the past or read anything I haven’t.
Bourdain was a person that seemed like an everyman, like…
This rules
This abomination shall not stand.
Nice pull of a deep cut from Mad Magazine.
I’m a big guy and i couldnt dream doing 1200 a day. I’ve been losing weight for a year now sticking to 1900 a mon-fri 2200 on the weekends. Throw some light exercise, I just walk and swim, and I’m down to 230 from 290. Zig zag dieting I think is great to break through those plateaus.
I’m planning on doing a lot more of air fryer recipes this year, since I recently upgraded from my basket model to a Ninja Foodi and can do so much more with it. Here are the ones I’ve already written.
I still think my Mom is dumb for getting one after installing a brand new convection oven a year before.
I’ve been a DM for 30 years, and, if there’s one universal truth of Dungeon Mastery, it’s that we can always be bribed with pizza and pizzadjacent snacks.
Since I am working from home I actually started going at like 8:30-9 (depending on stores who have senior hours) and it’s super easy.
I’m almost 100% reliant on curbside pickup. But on the rare occasion I need to go into a store, I find a day I know will be slow at work, on a weekday, block time off my calendar, and go around mid-morning. I do not go in at all on the weekend or during lunch or evening hours.
I watched! Seeing Ahmed’s character come to some form of peace while living in the sober deaf community really made me miss rehab, people think it’s night sweats and screaming, but it’s mostly just a peaceful place and I admired the honest take on it.